Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
When talking with someone, I look them right in their eyes. Even when I'm attending a lecture and the lecturer is talking about something that interests me.
I actually had to work at the whole eye contact thing.

Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)
Me too, but I envy them their ability to ignore rationality.

Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
(I HATE Flourescent bulbs).
I agree, feels like they're draining the life right out of me.

like tomatos a lot
The smell of raw tomatos nauseates me, but I like them cooked.


It is an established fact in my family that I am the master at Clue (you know, the board game). I win about 85% of the time (being generous :wink: ).

I shake all non-carbonated beverages, except water, before pouring them.

I walk down stairs with a haphazard rhythm and up stairs with a determined bound.

I can't think if I'm too warm.

I don't clean very often and can stand more clutter and dirt than I'd care to admit; but when I do clean, I get almost obsessive compulsive about it.

I HAVE to take a daily shower before I do anything else. Breakfast, exercise, email, yard work, etc.: Doesn't matter if I'm just going to get dirty and sweaty right afterwards, I can't do any of it before my shower.