Quote Originally Posted by guest
I also have recently discovered, in intense emotional situations, that my abilities of purposeful obfusication (read: ambiguity) are heightened to seemingly imaculant levels. Am I talking about sex, or you, or a book, or what you said, or what's going on, or all of them? I almost do it unconciously. It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.
This is interesting. I think I know what you're referring to. It seems like INTj's say things, sometimes perverted, sometimes insulting, and they don't really realize they are saying it.

for example, i knew this INTj that I drew these pictures of trolls with me as a joke. eventually this INTj in question started generating an elaborate storyline about the trolls which seemed to indirectly insult me, like one of the trolls was a metaphor for me, and another troll was a metaphor for someone else that I was sort of competing with. The storyline completely hit me in the worst place and my guess is that the INTj didn't even realize the significance of what they were saying. like it was unconscious.