Quote Originally Posted by guest
No lights when sleeping. Built a foil-taped-to-sheet system to cover the window perfectly. Must have fan on for white noise to mask sudden/irregular abject sounds. Always dress in the same clothes everyday: gray reeboks, kaki pants, black belt, black polo shirt. I go for hat stints for several months on occasion, then a total lack of hat for another few months. The hat is cammo, to hide my hair.

I keep all toiletries in a bag, take them out and use them in order. When done, put them back in bag and clean sink so as to look just cleaned.

I weigh myself daily.
I calculate my eating with time spent and calories devoured. I eat the same thing every day: Protein patti, oatmeal, bowl of vegatbles w/ fluxuating amount of crackers.

Each item in my house is placed in position for a purpose, either funcationally or aesthetically, and in purposeful juxtaposition to each other item in the house. (Apartment rather)

I'm obbsessed with attaining the ideal health, BUT, not at the cost of my time. This means I'm no meat head, just as fit as I can get witht he time I think is reasonable to maintain health, not appearance.

I do not carelessly abuse caffine as I get -wired-.

At work, all sounds must be muted out. I wear ear plugs. I have many hours to read at work, and have found that I'm a slow reader due to the inner voice obstacle someone mentioned above. I'm still practicing.

I have a PDA and it is my second girlfriend.

Next week I will be documenting all costs in terms of time and money, along with all benefits in a databse to be updated daily so that I can see how things affect my mood. This will be semi-objective data used to understand just how imporant social interaction is to my mood. Among other things.

When I open doors, I try to use my sleeve so as to limit the chances of germ contact. I use my knukles at ATMs and at the fast check out in the supermarket.

I must flip my keys around my finger once before I put them in my pocket. As soon as I began forgetting, I realize then do it. I will probably never loose my keys.

I have ceased all non-essential activites I had aquired in my 7 year stint of social exploration while in highschool and immediatley after in college through nothing more then my own will power. I'm proud of this fact as those I left behind are still playing the same dumb game, and those that quit usually had a trumatic experince to inspire them. The activities include: hardcore drug use/selling, hanging out with a group of close friends, small talk, watchning t.v. (It's been weeks since I turned it on) playing video games (almost a year) and bad eatcing habits/not excercising. This momentum of seeking perfection seems to be picking up.

I digress.

I've also developed a comfort with simply not replying to small talk. It takes some will power to be the one provoking those "uncomfortable quite moments", but the illiciters sometimes catch on. Though, I've seen dogs learn quicker.

I find feelings of guilt in online communcations because I feel I have an unfair advantage, and, when I meet the person IRL they'll think I'm a fraud because my acuity escapes me in social situations. I have found, though, that IRL speaking with just one other person, I'm like a conversational god, more then one and I'm like a complete dunce. This is typically followed by private feelings of paranoia which tends to lead to seeking of validation or invalidation of the paranoid thoughts by confronting of the parties when alone with them as to the validity of the thought about the conversation with the other party. Typically, I just try to avoid the whole damn mess.

Eye contact is either all or nothing. Salesmen get the evil eye, I really give it to them. Informal, I try to look at them when accentuating my ideas or when I think they are trying to vocalize their accentuations. Romantically, it's been awhile but I'd probably behave the same. I find that "looking off into the distance" helps me to think while in social situations.

I also have recently discovered, in intense emotional situations, that my abilities of purposeful obfusication (read: ambiguity) are heightened to seemingly imaculant levels. Am I talking about sex, or you, or a book, or what you said, or what's going on, or all of them? I almost do it unconciously. It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.

Jesus this is getting retarded. : )

Make it so Number 1.

anyways, Did you know that Captain Jean Luc Picard is an intj?

Interestly, how many intj here has pda? I do, i have one since i was 20.