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Thread: The tiny habits of INTjs

  1. #41
    mimisor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waddles
    This is interesting. I think I know what you're referring to. It seems like INTj's say things, sometimes perverted, sometimes insulting, and they don't really realize they are saying it.
    yep, definetely. waddles you seem to get it to another level with understanding the INTjs

    Quote Originally Posted by ms k
    I personally dont like reading like, historical stuff or that kind of nonfiction
    I love history

  2. #42
    Waddlesworth's Avatar
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    so by that I take it you think i was imagining it? I don't think so!

  3. #43
    Waddlesworth's Avatar
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    the above was at ms k.

    I try very hard to understand INTj's

    wether I do or not i don't know. I just pick up the facts as much as I can.

  4. #44
    mimisor's Avatar
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    Trust me, you're good at it. I like to read your interpretations about INTjs

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by guest
    No lights when sleeping. Built a foil-taped-to-sheet system to cover the window perfectly. Must have fan on for white noise to mask sudden/irregular abject sounds. Always dress in the same clothes everyday: gray reeboks, kaki pants, black belt, black polo shirt. I go for hat stints for several months on occasion, then a total lack of hat for another few months. The hat is cammo, to hide my hair.

    I keep all toiletries in a bag, take them out and use them in order. When done, put them back in bag and clean sink so as to look just cleaned.

    I weigh myself daily.
    I calculate my eating with time spent and calories devoured. I eat the same thing every day: Protein patti, oatmeal, bowl of vegatbles w/ fluxuating amount of crackers.

    Are you sure you are an INTj? You seem an INTp to me, at least from this fragment

    It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.
    well, losing yourself in contemplating is an INTj trait

    Quote Originally Posted by guest
    I also have recently discovered, in intense emotional situations, that my abilities of purposeful obfusication (read: ambiguity) are heightened to seemingly imaculant levels. Am I talking about sex, or you, or a book, or what you said, or what's going on, or all of them? I almost do it unconciously. It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.
    This certainly rings my bell :wink:

  6. #46
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Guest, For a moment (in the beginning), I also felt like you are INTp, but then I read about all the obsessive-compulsive traits and I knew you are one of us. It was very interesting to read because in a way it's similar to me, but in general it is very different. I identify with half of it, but couldn't live like that.

    I'm not a very clean/organized person. The top of the refrigerator in the kitchen is covered with different kinds of make-up, mirror, hair brush, etc. There is so much stuff that they don't really fit there. Everything is on top of something else and sometimes it's difficult to find what I need. And why is it like that? Because the best light in the whole apartment is in the kitchen and I find it very ineffective to take all that stuff to the bathroom each time I have finished with the make-up. It also seems absurdly ineffective to try to organize them after every use or to even put them in a make-up bag.

    The same situation is everywhere. Closets, surfaces and cupboards look organized only when I have just finished my annual cleaning-frenzy and I haven't really used anything there. Can't help it. My obsessive-compulsive lifestyle shows in other things.

    Quote Originally Posted by waddles
    This is interesting. I think I know what you're referring to. It seems like INTj's say things, sometimes perverted, sometimes insulting, and they don't really realize they are saying it.
    I wish you were wrong, but you're not. I try not to say insensitive things but very often I'm unable to avoid it. Especially because I tend to skip the smalltalk and beating around the bush. Some things just sound bad when they are said flat out.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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  7. #47
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    I can say I am obsessive-compulsive, but only with my work, not with material stuff around me.

  8. #48
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Well said. The same with me. I can get absolutely obsessive about many things, but I don't really care about my surroundings.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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  9. #49


    lets see... along with many of the things on the original post to this thread (which I definitely do)...

    - I will sacrifice sleep and food to finish a project. Even if its a puzzle, as was mentioned, which i love to do. If I am up til 3 am then so be it. (It must be done!!!)

    - use Microsoft Excel for way to many things

    - write extensively long forum responses.

    - hate boredom.. always have to be moving and putting every second to some purpose.

    - am very fond of geometric structures and relationships. I'm the m & m organizer guy. First by color. Then you eat the ones that are too off the spectrum (try to get it all even).

  10. #50


    strengths can be viewed and misunderstood as weaknesses, we INTJ's know best of all the importance as well as the tediousness of repetition. practice makes perfect....we just so happen to practice ALOT in the areas of our interest.

  11. #51


    I hate flourescent blubs.

    I read painfully slowly according to my wife. However, after reading the same information, I retain more, am able to relate it to more varied aspects, and can readily pull any sub-text from the material which my wife couldn't do to save her life.

    I love tomatoes (especially loaded with salt.)

    I look everyone directly in the eyes all the time. Clients find it very comforting since they think it's a sign of sincerity and honesty. Everyone else feels like I'm drilling into their brain to read their soul.

    I'm really tidy in the kitchen. I clean as I go. I can not relax in a cluttered house (stacks of books and papers don't count because those are potential projects and to put the books away would scatter the organization of what I know I'll need when I eventually tear into that project).

    My wife laughs all the time about my "bathroom rituals". Apparently, I always do exactly the same things in exactly the same order every single time I shower down to which parts get washed in which order.

    I also take showers before doing anything else, even if I'm going to go out and dig a ditch or jump into a swimming pool. This sometimes results in 3 showers in a day (shower before swimming, then shower before working out, then a shower before going out for the evening, even if I'm just going to hang at a freind's house.)

    There is a place for all things and those things go in their places. Things are organized for maximum utilization and efficiency. If things are out of place, it doesn't create anxiety, it just means that I end up forgetting something. I have a vague sense that something is out of place until I remember later what was forgotten, then I "let it go" since I'll correct the problem when I get back home.

    I can and often do eat the same thing or type of thing day after day. I travel for work and if I find a place that serves a food and beer that I like on Monday night, I eat at that place (that meal and that beer including exactly the same number of beers) every night that I'm in town.

    When it comes to dressing, I have gone out of my way to try to dress "nice", but I do find that I have a certain rotation to my clothes and end up wearing the same outfit this Friday that I wore the last 8 Fridays. Even when I become conscious of this and try to change it, I end up in the same habit under the new rotation*L*.

    I have a PDA, but I don't live by it. I use it in fits and spurts. It DOES contain any and all pertinent Birthdays, Anniversaries, phone numbers, addresses, etc.

    I don't have to have total darkness to sleep. In fact, I can sleep in almost any position at any time of day regardless of noise level. Often, loud places make me sleepy.

    I don't function well in heat at all. I usually try to get away from it or I end up falling asleep.

    If I think hard I sweat.

    I shake all non-carbonated liquids before drinking or pouring.

    I love chess, but suck horribly at it.

    I whistle and hum all the time. This is especially true if I'm annoyed or busy. It drives my wife crazy.

    I usually lick my knives after using them. Some of this is unconscious, but sometimes I do it because I know it annoys people.

    I "flick" my toes all the time. Sometimes I do it in my sleep and my wife hates it. I do it all the time, even when I'm wearing shoes. I have a very definite method to doing it, such that my big toe makes an asterik pattern against the toe next to it.

    Once I adjust the sound on my stereo, I don't touch it. I've always had a very good ear for music.
    Obstacles cannot crush me; every obstacle yields to Stern Resolve.


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