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Thread: Different Varities of Ethics and Other Functions?

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  1. #31
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    I read this thread and it made me think about something that recently happened to me. First, I want to share some thoughts on the differences and similarities of these four information elements being discussed. I like to think that Te and Ti as information elements are very much different from one another. In the same vein, Fe and Fi are very much different from one another too. I think it comes down to this: both Te and Ti applied by the mind of an individual deal with aspects of reality. What is actually going on. This includes what actually could happen, does happen, how it happens, why it happens, how does it relate to other happenings, and how it happened in the past and could it happen in the future? Te stays in the realm of what actaully happens and how can that knowledge be used. Ti is much broader. As an workable information element, Ti takes reality and with objectivity gives it a deeper analysis beyond what actually happens and how that knowlwedge can be used. Both organise reality. Both, by originally thoughts, give structure and definition to the world. Both are the minds tools for helping the human organism navigate the external world. If Te draws a picture, Ti would be the element that fills in the colour. Placement of either IE in ones egoic base function will create two entirelly different pshyces, or two very different individuals. They both, however, will relate best with objective reality. One will simply effect that reality while the other will not only effect that reality, but connect it to other realities by however objective process that person chooses to use. As we all know.

    So how does this play out? I work at a lumber mill. One night I was operating a large peice of equipment that removes reject boards before they are planed in the planer mill. The equipment is large and includes several conveyer belts. The boards that come of the prodction line range from sizes 2`4 to 2`10 and lenghts 8' to 20'. And there are a lot of them. They are moving fast, they are heavy and they are dangerous. They shoot out of the building, change direction several times and pile up, where I then proceed to organise and stack them. The workplace is full of both Te egos and Ti egos (nevermind the other function channels for now - I could not wager a guess there yet becuase learning some ones typology takes lots of time, exsposure, and art), and it is intersting to see these guys and girls in action. It is one particular girl that I am thinking about who demonstrated her Te at work. She drives one of the large forklifts, you gotta be Te "smarts" to do this. She is very practical and out spoken about how things go (in other words, sees objective reality and how to effect it). She comes with the forklift and picks up the loads I create. This time, a large number of 16' baords was being rejected. Things were getting pretty nasty, and I was fixing metal strapping and dunnage on the load she was going to take away. By the time I finished that task, the baords where a huge tangled mess, and the conveyer was still bringing more in. This had happened before, and common sense told me to turn the conveyer belt off. Which I did not, becuase I figured I could just use the poles to push a few of the offending baords out of the jam. Bad idea, because it was not working. So this women full on yelled at me toturn the conveyer belt off. "Turn your belt off"! she repeated. I did. Bt inside my mind I got my back up, "who does she think she is telling me how to run this when I have been doing my job here for a month now" i thought to myself. But even deeper then that, I appreciated the help in this Te regard. Her and I spoke afterwards in the lunch room when everyone else had left. I got the sense that she wanted to tlak about what happened, becuase our tempers flared a little and we needed to debrief about it to amke sure their was mutual understanding and continued workplace harmony (of course I am sure she was not thinking that, I was though). Plus she made a point to sit near me and idle about when everyone had left. I always trust my gut, she wanted to talk. I told her I am new and respect those that have been here for a long time and she explained to me she had done my job before and knew how to best go about it. She laughed off the whole thing and put me instantly at ease. Okay, you are right, if I turn the belt off at timed intervals I can create manually several piles or stakes of wood before they get to the end of the line and create a headache. Thankyou you are absolutly right, it will be more effecient. It so simple I had not thought of that before. Thankyou, I thoguht. Of course, I kept most of thoughts to myslef about how I had orginally felt put upon and yelled at, and how I greatly appreciated her Te outlook of objective reality and how to use that knowledge to make the job easier! All I said was an understated thankyou, that is a good tip, I have to remember that. She was like man, make the job easier for yourself, do not struggle with needlessly. I do not suspect that she realized before talking with me how keen I was that we get along, because I will be there for a long time and I want to get along with those I work with everyday. It was like her and I both knew we were on the same side. Probably this put her at ease, because I got the sense she was not going to initiate that first step towards discusing our emotional reciprocation. Hahaha, in other words, I allowed her the space to vent and she realized this guy is okay. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. From then on, I used her tip and it has made things more efficient for me which helps me do my job better and faster. With less embarrasment, I was ready when she came to take away my next load. All ended well. Moral of the story, trust others knowledge, and do not focus on the delivery. Te is a minds tool to get things done.

    Now, I want to discss Fe and Fi ethics, which was the original intent of this thread, but my thoughts are a mess and need time before I can put them in order and write what I mean to say. Plus I am using an xbox keyboard, so yeah. I can see why Ne so well compliments Ti. Perhaps that could explain the deep level of logical intuition you were describing earlier.
    @jason_m, I can vaguelly get the impression of a Fi role in your posts, especially when you tlakabout intertypes. I think it is great. But I could be wrong, the internet is a shit place to guess at IE and functions. Your post are a nice example of Ne creative too. I can see why Ne so well compliments Ti. Perhaps this is one explanation for the deep level of logical intuition you were describing earlier. It must give the LII pshyce a special outword facing outlook. I can also see it for one explanation as to why the LII might not be so stubborn in its view. Nor have the need to rigidly and vehemntly defend them. Ne creative seems to pull the mind outwards from itself and look to the outside world to keep its base function alive. This mst have the effect of constantly updating the Ti egos view of objective reality. I can now underdstand why it would be difficult for a LII to be both a creature of his sociol life and interactions and an egoic mindset of focusing on Ti object truths. Truths that are always being upgraded, yet none-the-less truths about reality. Ti and Ne must give the LII logic a special flavour. Look forward to more discussion as your look a like. In the same way I appreciated Te prespectives, I could understand why you might appreciate Fe prespectives. Gawd I just read this, I hope I am getting my point across as intended.
    Last edited by wacey; 11-17-2012 at 11:05 AM.

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