Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
Ethics is stupid. Lots of people seem to have the ridiculous belief that Good and Bad are somehow measurable and objectifiable entities. I try to take myself out that field entirely, instead favoring "I like" and "I dislike;" it's a much more accurate representation of how my brain works, without the mess of projecting my own biases and preferences as facts. Not sure where this perspective fits into your model.
Philamosophically speakinz, ethics is the study of value, so in that broader sense it's just as involved in normative good-bad valuations as it is in affective like-dislike. Quite often they overlap and commingle as well, sometimes inextricably so. The latter is clearly illustrated by partisans who unironically advance their personal morals or affinities as natural laws.

At the risk is scaring jason_m into hiding again by addressing him in his own thread, E5 INTx-es (among NTs in general) are well suited for the examination of meta-ethics, with an emphasis on taxonomy for one like himself, and on etiology for one like me.