The ESI description fits like a glove, especially the Fi dom.....minus one finger.

By any standard I'm considered what people would call a VERY STRONG "P" in the MBTI. I'm chaotic both internally (my mind is a messy maze of things, right hemisphere tendedncies all over) and externally, inductive (from detail to global picture), hands on and random absorbtion of information (reading manuals and guides, going step by step is BORING so I prefer to "just get in and do it), disorganized and messy. I don't plan, I adapt, navigate, figure out and go with my flow. I don't care about order, neatness and such, do what I feel like doing. Tend to leave things last minute, work in bursts of interest and energy, am NOT "steady as she goes". somethnig is wrong here.

am I missing something? The description is the opposite of this.