Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
Well the thing is, tritypes are basically implied in the theory itself: we all possess the three centers, because they are very core instinctual drives in human survival. Subwings aren't implied in the theory, they are just adding extra shit on. Tritypes actually have theoretical basis, and IMO are very much observable in the way people deal with different aspects of their lives; subwings have no theoretical basis, serve no purpose other than to explain away incongruous minutia, and IMO the reality of their existence and whatever degree to which they are actually observable is just as easily accounted for by salient triad characteristics, especially in the case of the attachment triad types, which lie in the middle of each triad and inherently have characteristics of the surrounding types.
I agree that Tri-types can be more important than subwings in that they deal with the person's subconscious personality in great depth. Comparing this to Socionics would be like examining one's valued undeveloped functions I surmise. Subwings merely examine one's conscious personality in greater detail like pointing a magnifying glass at it as if it to notice the little differences between two very similar behaviour patterns. So I can see why you would find Tri-types more useful than subwings as micro analysis is often unnecessary and insignificant where as deeper self-exploration may yield more intriguing results. Their usefulness is dependent on where one's motivation lies whether that be examining their psyche in greater detail or exploring their personality's less prominent aspects.