Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
I also want to add a few lines from the link posted that made me lol : " Her music sounds like a baby voice goo goo gaa gaa-ing over some bleep bloop music."

"Sorta tried to stream her album to see if there was anything worth 'writing home about', but it is the standard conceptual bleep bloop band with only one or two 'half decent' songs that aren't even THAT listenable, but I would probably put them on a mix CD for some girl who wanted to 'feel artsy', like she was listening to 'the new Bjork',"

"She is potentially 'completely insane', ready 2 meltdown. It seems like 'being a buzzband' is the most 'normal, stabilizing thing she could have done with her life. She apparently tried to float down the Mississippi River like a trust crusty homeless person. While many blogspots would say 'that's totally kewl', I feel like we've all had that one crusty friend in HS/college who 'went too far', and you feel like it is only a matter of time b4 they end up dead from trying to trainhop/eating food out of a dumpster one last time."