Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
she's so gross that it sort of crosses a line into cute. like a kid with a runny nose playing in the dirt. and you wanna scruff their head and give them a cookie.
eccentricity can be cute if it's authentic. but not so much if she's just a spoiled trust-crusty kid being weird & dirty cuz she's rich enough to indulge the luxury of fucking around playing pretend @ life. i don't know if she actually is that or not, maybe i'll find out later

Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
"She is potentially 'completely insane', ready 2 meltdown. It seems like 'being a buzzband' is the most 'normal, stabilizing thing she could have done with her life. She apparently tried to float down the Mississippi River like a trust crusty homeless person. While many blogspots would say 'that's totally kewl', I feel like we've all had that one crusty friend in HS/college who 'went too far', and you feel like it is only a matter of time b4 they end up dead from trying to trainhop/eating food out of a dumpster one last time."