Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
Ok, clearly you are not thinking about this critically if you keep repeating “omg but there’s force mentioned in her music!!!” as an argument. We have already laid out some pretty good debunks to what you’re saying.
oh you mean like this one: I think you’re failing to realize the part where she is simply playing a role

you know who likes to play a role? Fe valuing types. you know who cares about authenticity? Fi valuing types. didn't you doubt your own type a few months ago, just like hag? it seems clear to me that you don't have a huge understanding of functions, so it's personally really hard to take your arguments seriously.

Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
Have you considered that art (or artistic expression) can be a way for some people to deal with their vulnerable function?
of course, but it doesn't even remotely make sense for grimes. you should listen to EII artists like Talk Talk, John Fahey, Leonard Cohen, The National, Arcade Fire, Hope Sandoval to get an idea of EII music. it's much more quiet.