Quote Originally Posted by soundofconfusion View Post
I really don't understand these results. why would she be Si valuing? just look at her last two singles, called "we appreciate power" and "violence"
I don't want you to take this wrong, perhaps your categories of "types" are too rigid. You might want to consider that entertainers are not always what they seem. I doubt she is IEI. I doubt she would identify with IEI. She was skeptical of her ENFP result too. At least you and sol finally agree on something though but it shows a type of categorical rigidity that you both have. I always say it is due to his culture so maybe the same for you. Why do you think she is Ni > Ne? I am asking. I don't know. I don't find her appealing. I will move my response to her thread so you can respond there.

@bouncingoffclouds I didn't comment on her in relation to your type. I was just responding to you guys talking about her and got curious so I looked her up.