Yeah, I've seen some interviews with her, and although heavily into fantasy realms, she is also pretty into math and science (in comes Elon), so I can see why ENTP would be in there also. Ah I think I see what you're doing there though based on what I was getting typed in my videos (maybe I'm wrong)

I love doing funky hair colors, blending them, and creating them into something neat. I considered doing hair (a lot of the doing colors I speak of, I do on myself, many of my pictures I've had with various colors I did myself), but I can't go to school for it due to financial reasons, also I'm not sure I would survive in the fashion realm with all of the "fake" personalities. I'm also not sure how I would hold up having to talk to people a ton... though I could see myself enjoying it too, I guess it would depend on the particular clients lol.

lol I'm glad you brought up the jerky movements, because that's one issue I have with IEE. I'm not sure how I seem in my videos, but I don't see myself as choppy/jerky, any of that at all, I've actually been told I'm the opposite, though I do have a fairly quick pace. I actually enjoy Grimes dancing though, she seems to feel every little beat and moves her arms in a free, flowing and creative way pretty seamlessly.

I do feel like she seems more hyper than myself. She reminds me even more of a friend I was very close to actually, who seems like an ENFP and has about 5000 friends, unlike myself. I feel like I can probably have a similar energy, but it is context dependent