Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
I change my hair color as often as Grimes, usually odd colors and often a mix of several lol, Of course, I’m still unclear of my type. I have a ton of connectors with her though I noticed long ago. Like I said though, she seems to have turned weird and less real seeming :/
I got curious and looked her personality up. She admits to holding back for her stage persona in one interview I read which seems to contradict what I have read about her elsewhere. She got ENFP on an MBTI test according to the comments on this site:


These were the only types that got votes.
Breakdown of 57 Four Letter Type votes

ENFP (35)
The Champion

ENTP (15)
The Inventor

INTP (3)
The Architect

INFP (2)
The Healer

ESFP (1)
The Performer

ISFP (1)
The Composer

Breakdown of 10 Enneatype votes

4w3 (9)

9w1 (1)
Apparently I commented in her thread but had no opinion on her type. I just said she had jerky movements. lol


Edit: As for hair color, I had 2 friends who were hairdressers so they practiced on me a lot while getting certified. I ended up with various colors. Most of which I hated on me. Then I found one I liked and kept for years which was rather "normal" considering what they did to my hair.