Quote Originally Posted by Jadae2point0 View Post
The cartoons were made in mid-centry 1900s, and the characters either portray nuisances to agricultural life, military symbolism, crooks, and those related to small town life. Each cartoon is a melodrama about such life then, especially in times of strict Christianity. Chip n Dale are meant to be dicks, as they symbolize teenagers fucking with the adults ... and not all of the adults are really that swell either. Mickey Mouse is really the only shining hale on these cartoons, except that he comes off as annoyingly fake, which is always symbolic in a small town setting. Donald is less than angelic. He is often portrayed as the dick that pretends to be the shining apple with ill-intent.
Ah, assuming this is all true it's interesting.

Quote Originally Posted by Jadae2point0 View Post
What I am more interested in is your reaction. Why did you feel this way? No, not why did you think this way.
To hearing this? Well now that I have a better sense of the cartoonist's perspective (assuming it's true), that the plot isn't as important as the characters and what they're said to represent, it all feels less dickish, at least from an intellectual standpoint. Were I to see another cartoon of equal (non)dickishness again though, I'm not sure if react the same way.