Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
It's certainly possible, my heart triad is the one area that I haven't explored in depth. I did think I had 3w4 was in my tri-type in the past, but I then realized that it may of been as a result of growth or stress that gave that impression. I'll have to look into the 3 and 4 descriptions further to find out which of the two fits me better. The 946 description came across as non-oppositional and accepting to me, which could be a result of having 9 as the main enneatype, but I'll have to read more into the 963 descriptions as well and see if they fit me better or not.
Yeah, the descriptions I've been finding haven't been particularly helpful for me. You may benefit from looking at this chart, seeing where particular triads line up an are accentuated depending on each type: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...vZnFtQUE#gid=0