Asperger Syndrome seems to be semantic terrorism ; when a neurologist said I actually have AS, my parents believed him, because they are pretty naive ; they are both F-types (ISFj and ENFj), and you know, F-types are more subject to T-oriented manipulation.

So why INT ? INT is negativist. Gulenko said (if I'm not mistaken) that negativist types (ISF INT ENF EST) were reserved, and positivist types (ESF ENT INF IST) were sociable. INT is negativist, obstinate, task-oriented. INT is actually hated in relativistic societies. This expliains why a INT is considered sick in France, even when healthy.

In France, we don't know socionics ; and we don't even know Myers-Briggs. We prefer to call INT a disorder, because we don't like INT types. In France, we know mainly the Process Com model, which seems to say being an INT is undesirable, and must be treated harshly. But did the Process Com's founder (Taibi Kahler) ever think they don't obey to their bosses because they like them, but rather because they need money to survive ?

Maybe, Hans Asperger could have tried to date an INT woman and failed ; so he began to hate them and call that a disorder.

And, as said in this video, non-INT types can actually be called aspies, because society doesn't like them. That's bi-polar thinking. "X = Good, non-X = Evil"