most recent books i've read:

jack and jill by james patterson
i was looking for a new go-to author for light reading, and i got lucky right away because it was really good and i'm definitely sticking with patterson.

stranger in a strange land by robert heinlein
it was pretty decent and sort of compelling for the first half. i like themes where the main character is from a different time or place and the story provides a look at stuff that is normal in a fresh and different way. but after about halfway through it became this really bizarre and annoying preachy orgy fantasy like the author gave up on trying to hide his penis or something.

currently reading pere goriot by balzac (its got a emotionally compelling flavor so far but the french names and era-relevant stuff is kind of hard to keep track of, which always happens to me with old, foreign books) and man and his symbols by jung (a lot of it is rehash of stuff i already knew from stuff people have discussed here, and it goes more into specific symbolic meanings than i would expect for a theory that says dream symbols are individual, but the specific interpretations are interesting regardless and i like the case studies. oh, and i'm reading a version with pretty pictures in it).