@ashlesha what's your goodreads? I just made one and have no friends on there

I read "The Dunwich Horror" , which I really liked due to the imagery it evoked. I should read more classics, the 'dry' style is pretty well suited for me. I also read "The Pisces" by Melissa Broder, which did not disgust me as it did some people, but I found it very tasteless and crude. Its message gets lost because it sounds exactly like my sleep deprived 4am crazed journaling. So I wouldn't recommend it.

I've just started reading "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt. It's intriguing and also 'dry' in that way I like. It's not really dry, because the words used are beautiful, but not exactly flowery. Succinct and to the point, and they serve their exact purpose. I dislike soft, mushy, excessively flowery language. It makes me feel icky, like we're wasting time, like you could be telling me more things in the time it took you to tell me that the apples were red or something.