A while ago I started reading a book on How to Look Logical Using Lubricants and Penis Extensions

​A young writer on his way to maturity (I think he's 34 or so if I recall his short bio correctly) suggests a revolutionary take on Jungian typology. The style is not at all scientific though ...more like a bunch of essays between freethinking and stream-of-consciousness. There's an undercurrent of drama running through it that made my day earlier this week. Only read a few pages (quite long and spasmodic...but they had a weird pulsating quality that made me scan them). Later I got bored...

"I don't want to post on this forum because this is personal and I'm a very private person, but I would like to share this with you here. I've always had an active, vivid imagination as a boy. I lived in my own world to say the least. I was put in art enrichment classes when I was seven because I showed a talent in art. By the time I was in fourth grade I developed a keen interest in science and by junior high I was taking advanced math, science, and art classes. I also loved putting together models, puzzles, taking things apart and putting them back together. As an adult, I've done mechanical work on my cars, remodeled parts of my house."

"I'm trying to tell you. I use Fi in a neurotic fashion. This is something that is immediately relevant to our discussion. The more someone says that I am Fi dominant, the more I resist being recognized for Fi being a strength, which is classic Role. It is something I don't want to be recognized for. My ego likes solving problems and being recognized for my ability to do so. The excess personal and emotional demands make me more neurotic. As long as they aren't excessive, I'm alright."

"I don't really like to talk about my feelings, unlike what I see so many Fi doms doing online, although I certainly have a lot of emotion. Maybe it's because I've gotten well past that adolescent angst. I never talked about my feelings then either, never wanting to burden anyone with them. I didn't have a computer at all until I was in my early twenties and I used to bottle everything inside. I never even liked talking about myself. Now it seems that's all I do. Ever since I've stumbled upon typology. Sometimes, it feels like it's just been a fucking curse."