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Thread: Your Big 5 Spectrum Scores

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  1. #11
    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing @chips and underwear !

    The test that can be found on that website is the best one on the Big 5 I've found so far.

    Your score on Extraversion is low, indicating you are introverted, reserved, and quiet. You enjoy solitude and solitary activities. Your socializing tends to be restricted to a few close friends.

    Your score on Agreeableness is low, indicating less concern with others' needs Than with your own. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising.

    Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized. Note: I used to be much more conscientious years ago... I am working on it... >_> (Actually, I might have been too extremely conscientious, and now I am being the opposite.)

    Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.

    Your score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating you enjoy novelty, variety, and change. You are curious, imaginative, and creative.


    Pattern 4.3 BOOKWORMISH TYPE (Low E, High O)
    Bookwormish Types are highly intellectual, introspective, self- examining loners. Although they keep to themselves, their level of intelligence and learning garners them respect for others. They are described by other persons as learned, well-read, persevering, rule-abiding, calm, and industrious.

    Pattern 9.3 FANCIFUL/IMAGINATIVE TYPE (Low C, High O) Fanciful/Imaginative Types are unconventional nonconformists who pride themselves on being different from others. They are not so much openly antisocial and disruptive in their behavior as they are fanciful, impractical, and unconcerned about the general welfare of others. They are described by others as complex, imaginative, and critical.

    Pattern 7.3 INDIVIDUALISTIC TYPE (Low A, High O)
    Individualistic types consider themselves to be unique and more intelligent than most people around them. In extreme cases they might be regarded as eccentric, but in most cases they are perceived by others as complex, well-read, imaginative, and industrious.
    At the moment, the second description applies the best to me. At my most natural and balanced self, I'm like the first description. Funny thing is, I really was a typical bookworm in my youth, spending almost all of my free-time reading.
    Last edited by Olimpia; 05-18-2017 at 06:45 PM.
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