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Thread: For Fun: Subconscious Mind Test

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    Default For Fun: Subconscious Mind Test

    Deep down, you are a kind and gentle soul who craves love. You have a strong subconscious need to give love to others and receive love. Although you may sometimes appear strong, stoic, or self-sufficient on the outside, that is only hiding your deeply compassionate heart and desire to unite others.

    Not everything buried in the subconscious is dark or negative. Love is an example of a positive force that is too often suppressed because of how overwhelming and overpowering (and therefore intimidating) it can be. So ask yourself, in what ways are you withholding love or avoiding receiving it from others? And most importantly, why?

    Here is another question: what insecurities or mistaken beliefs are causing you to repress the energy of love?

    Your soul is a force of nature that longs to spread love. Find ways of generating more self-compassion in your life, and you will find yourself feeling more and more at peace.

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    Nice test ! I was glad not to read a lot of questions.

    I got the same results: Love !

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    Deep down, you are a kind and gentle soul who craves love. You have a strong subconscious need to give love to others and receive love. Although you may sometimes appear strong, stoic, or self-sufficient on the outside, that is only hiding your deeply compassionate heart and desire to unite others.Not everything buried in the subconscious is dark or negative. Love is an example of a positive force that is too often suppressed because of how overwhelming and overpowering (and therefore intimidating) it can be. So ask yourself, in what ways are you withholding love or avoiding receiving it from others? And most importantly, why?Here is another question: what insecurities or mistaken beliefs are causing you to repress the energy of love?Your soul is a force of nature that longs to spread love. Find ways of generating more self-compassion in your life, and you will find yourself feeling more and more at peace.We recommend our Self-Love Journal to help you integrate this suppressed love so that it can enrich your life and the world around you.

    Edit : Three persons with the same result so far, I find that suspicious....

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    Deep down, you are an infectiously warm and optimistic soul who refuses to let the trials and tribulations of life defeat you.You are the type of person who believes that life is fundamentally benevolent, and even in the most painful situations, you still seek the light.However, while hope can uplift you in the most difficult times, you also have the tendency to cling to people and situations who are long past their ‘expiration’ date. You may refuse to let go of relationships that no longer nourish you or jobs that are eating away at your vitality with the hopes that they will ‘get better’ or that you can ‘fix them.’Not everything buried in the subconscious is dark or negative. Hope is an example of a positive force that can greatly help you. But hope, when misdirected, can also hold you back and create suffering.The lesson here is to understand that sometimes giving up hope is a positive thing because it allows you to move on. If you struggle to let go, ask yourself, what am I afraid of? The warm and vibrant energy of hope can sometimes be unconsciously used to avoid facing the truth about your life.Once you learn how to distinguish what is worth having hope for and what is ready to be let go of, you will experience much more inner peace.One of the best ways of learning how to let go and exploring what you're afraid of releasing is by working with both your inner child and shadow self. We recommend our Inner Child Journal and Shadow Work Journal to help you find more inner freedom from the subconscious blocks like holding on too tight.
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    Same, love.

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    You are a passionate, ambitious, and highly driven person. However, something is lurking within the depths of your subconscious, and that force is anger.

    Across the course of your life, someone or something has caused you to suppress the healthy expression of anger, which has resulted in psychological imbalance. This misdirection of anger has resulted in you developing either a quiet, reserved, and controlled personality or on the other hand, a forceful and emotionally explosive personality.

    If you tend to be intense and domineering, your anger has likely been channeled in a way that serves as a defense mechanism. The strange thing about anger is that it is an emotion that often disguises and covers other emotions, the most common examples being sadness, insecurity, and fear.

    If you’re a quiet, compliant, and seemingly peaceful person who “is never angry,” anger is likely a major issue for you as well. Sound ironic? Well, there’s a big reason why, and that is that those who never express anger (which is a totally normal human emotion to express) tend to possess an unconscious phobia of it.

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    You are a gentle, empathetic, and considerate soul who cares a great deal about other people. However, something is lurking within the depths of your subconscious, and that force is fear.

    Fear can manifest in countless shapes and forms. It can emerge as an obsessive compulsion, an addiction, repetitive nightmares, generalized anxiety, unwillingness to take risks, fear of other people, clinging to toxic relationships, avoidance, the need for control … and countless other expressions.

    Deep down, you are terrified of something, and it is eating you up. What are you afraid of? Who is the Lord or Lady of your Underworld?

    One helpful way to discover what you’re scared of is by doing shadow work. Your shadow self is the part of you that you’d prefer to deny, repress, escape, numb, or disown; it possesses everything that you’re afraid of … and also secretly desire.

    One simple way of doing shadow work is to take something you’re currently afraid of and ask, “What is the worst that could happen?” Examine your response. What irrational fears have taken root in your mind? What core beliefs about yourself are sabotaging your capacity to experience inner peace?

    By slowly confronting each source of fear and compassionately meeting and understanding it, you will provide yourself with a sense of safety as you explore the unknown. Perhaps the fear you carry is only really an absence of self-love, a disconnection from your soul?

    The first Rorschach blot looks like two winged creatures tending to an altar and none of the choices really match. And the second looks ... well anyway; I can't be the only one to see that; again there are no similar choices. In reality, the bat would begin discussing some irrelevant nonsense unrelated to the task at hand, just to be maddening

    Altering any one of these three responses gives 'contempt' so ... inconclusive

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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdite vixi View Post

    The first Rorschach blot looks like two winged creatures tending to an altar and none of the choices really match. And the second looks ... well anyway; I can't be the only one to see that; again there are no similar choices. In reality, the bat would begin discussing some irrelevant nonsense unrelated to the task at hand, just to be maddening

    Altering any one of these three responses gives 'contempt' so ... inconclusive

    i thought the first one looked like two bees wrestling. (like the sport, not the innuendo)

    Pi is funny like that .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Perdite vixi View Post

    The first Rorschach blot looks like two winged creatures tending to an altar and none of the choices really match.
    caped insect-like performers (dancing) on a grand stage

    yeah those sometimes don't have a 'matching option'

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    gave me anger this time

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    You are a unique, gifted, and independent-minded person. However, something is lurking within the depths of your subconscious, and that force is isolation.Do you try to distract yourself and keep yourself busy, but at the same time, feel as though you’re running away from something? Do you find yourself feeling alone, even when around other people? Do you feel emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually alienated from those around you? Do you struggle to connect with others on a deep level? And even when you do connect with others, do you feel that it’s never enough to rid that sense of isolation?Your answers in this test indicate that you likely carry a deep sense of loneliness. You may feel like an alien on Earth and a stranger in a strange land. You crave, deep down, for a sense of camaraderie, a sense of soul-deep connection that will remove this sense of isolation you feel.However, the biggest reason why you feel so isolated may be because you’ve lost touch with the deepest essence of who you are: your Soul.We all carry what depth psychologist Connie Zweig calls “the holy longing.” This craving we carry is defined by the need to experience Unity with something outside of ourselves – namely, the Divine, which is our ultimate Home. However, we tend to misdirect this holy longing and place it onto other people or objects. Inevitably, we wind up feeling dissatisfied, frustrated, and isolated repeatedly because nothing outside of ourselves can truly fill that hole inside.In order to resolve this sense of isolation, explore the concept of holy longing. Many of the greatest mystics, sages, and enlightened beings in history possessed this all-consuming longing. By going inwards and seeking to unite with that which transcends the self, they managed to experience complete Union, peace, and freedom. So try to work on connecting with Spirit and Soul.There is another alternative and more basic reason why you may be feeling isolated, and it could quite simply mean that you need to make a conscious effort to reach out to others more. You don’t need to do everything on your own. It may be time to reach out to loved ones or new people and let yourself be seen.
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
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    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

    A little better makes better more>

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    That was unexpected, but this is a test of the unconscious, right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    That was unexpected, but this is a test of the unconscious, right?
    I've been thinking about this result since I was first surprised by it. I don't think of myself as a person obsessed by "love". I think that I'm a fairly nice guy, when I'm not being an asshole, but at no time would I have described my unconscious desire as "love". I'd have said that my desire is to master the secrets of the universe and to learn how to manipulate them, for the purpose of elevating humanity and destroying my enemies.

    On the other hand, I could see how I might be subconsciously looking for love.

    I think I was about three years old when I figured out that my narcissist LSE mother didn't love me, or anyone else, for that matter. And my SLI father was entirely absent from the household. He was either working long hours, or was, as my mother described it, "playing army" in foreign wars. Basically, I had a dangerously hostile mother and an absent father. Maybe I am looking for that Fi love.

    Since I divorced my very cold SLI wife, I've had two serious girlfriends. The first was an LSI, and she was emotionally great when she wasn't being dramatic. I think that she was seeking love, too, and that is what made us so deeply compatible. She'd call me and I'd call her, she'd initiate sex and so would I, she was always up for adventure and she had great ideas about how to get there. In the area of friendship, love, and attention, she was fantastic. I just couldn't provide the drama that she needed.

    She needed drama the way my thrice-married LII sister needs Fe. I mean, it's a hunger. The LSI could do Role Fi briefly, and I could do Role Fe briefly, but this just made painfully obvious what we were missing from each other.

    The second girlfriend was an ESI-Fi, and man, I got along with her perfectly. Taking her out was great, sex was great, doing nothing together around the house was great. What was not great was that I had to initiate every meeting. She absolutely never sought me out, and USUALLY cancelled my arranged meetings at the last minute. It was like she just didn't care if we got together or not. Once we did, she was fine, but our meetings were always because she needed something or was bored.

    My ESI interior decorator told me right away that the GF wasn't holding up her end of the relationship, but (in retrospect) my need for a socially compatible and potentially loving mate caused me to stay in there way longer than I should have.

    This is clearly a weakness which just gets me trampled in relationships.

    Well, now that I'm aware of this, I hope to be more discerning in who I let into my life. Only those who want me as much as I want them, and who will act on it.

    Man, when I first found this forum, someone posted a picture of a skeleton sitting on a park bench, with the comment "Waiting for the perfect Dual with compatible enneagram and instinctual stackings and subtype and DCNH". Lol. Well, if you don't learn how to be a human from your parents, it can be a long road to enlightenment.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-09-2023 at 02:28 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    That was unexpected, but this is a test of the unconscious, right?

    Does that even exist?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackass View Post
    Does that even exist?
    Does the unconscious exist?


    Do you ever catch yourself forming thoughts which are never expressed?

    I'm not an expert on the brain, but I believe that human speech is a river, formed from many tributaries, which in turn are formed from streams, and ultimately from raindrops on the sides of hills. The operating part of the brain is a surface the size of a dinner napkin, laid out flat, but crumpled up to fit inside the skull. Every part of that napkin has neurons firing, just above the random-action level. Some firings build, some die out, but the ones which build, then go on to join streams of thought from other areas; each adding or displacing other streams, until there is just one stream, one thought, that comes out of your mouth.

    Have you ever heard someone talking in innuendoes? Or talking, on the face of it, about the problems they have, perhaps, in doing some task, but if you listen closely, you might hear them actually talking about the fight they had with their SO earlier that day. Those are competing streams of thought. In this case, one is mostly about work, but mixed in with it (from a more suppressed stream) are concerns about something entirely different.

    Go back far enough to the hillside where the raindrops started, and you will find the beginnings of both consciousness and the subconscious. Some streams are elevated to be expressed consciously, but many remain suppressed in the darkness.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-10-2023 at 12:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Does the unconscious exist?


    Do you ever catch yourself forming thoughts which are never expressed?

    I'm not an expert on the brain, but I believe that human speech is a river, formed from many tributaries, which in turn are formed from streams, and ultimately from raindrops on the sides of hills. The operating part of the brain is a surface the size of a dinner napkin, laid out flat, but crumpled up to fit inside the skull. Every part of that napkin has neurons firing, just above the random-action level. Some firings build, some die out, but the ones which build, then go on to join streams of thought from other areas; each adding or displacing other streams, until there is just one stream, one thought, that comes out of your mouth.
    Dam thats interesting!

    Have you ever heard someone talking in innuendoes? Or talking, on the face of it, about the problems they have, perhaps, in doing some task, but if you listen closely, you might hear them actually talking about the fight they had with their SO earlier that day. Those are competing streams of thought. In this case, one is mostly about work, but mixed in with it (from a more suppressed stream) are concerns about something entirely different.
    I've never thought of that, wow.

    Go back far enough to the hillside where the raindrops started, and you will find the beginnings of both consciousness and the subconscious. Some streams are elevated to be expressed consciously, but many remain suppressed in the darkness.
    I have no idea what that means. I'll first have to try to understand this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackass View Post
    I have no idea what that means. I'll first have to try to understand this.
    I take a very mechanistic view of intelligence. Here is how I see it.

    Let's say that you were the god of a project in which you wanted to create a general-purpose device which would navigate in the world, stay charged, and accomplish some purpose. A self-directed, mobile robot, for example. You don't know beforehand what the world that this device will live in will be like, so you have to build a machine which is general-purpose, and which will have to train itself in the environment in which it finds itself. Maybe the surface of Jupiter. Maybe an underground tunnel. Maybe a flying drone.

    The device will fundamentally need sensors to interact with its environment, and an internal monitor to check its battery level and sensor condition. Se and Si. It will need pattern recognition to distinguish one object from another, and give names to these objects. Te and Ti. It will need some way to evaluate how important these objects are to itself and whether they meet with its handler's goals. Fi and Fe. Finally, it will need a way to determine what it can do with the objects that it finds, and what its operational options are. Ni and Ne.

    These functions are almost all determined by hardware and hard-wiring, and they act as hard constraints to perception and actions. However, they don't provide a means of interacting with and adapting to unknown environmental factors, like whether the environment is solid, liquid, or gas, or hot or cold, or anything specific. For that, you are going to have to build in some learning mechanism which rewards some actions and suppress others.

    Initially, all actions are permitted. Some actions will negatively impact the device, like falling off a table or not recharging itself. The device will either die or will "learn" that the actions which led to the bad outcome should be suppressed. Other actions, which bring it closer to its goal, should be amplified. If you aren't there to train your devices, expect them to die by the millions from taking random actions. Also expect that a few of them will absolutely learn to successfully survive in any environment.

    The neurons in the brain have feedback loops which either suppress or amplify signals from other neurons. In this way, a human baby goes from putting everything into its mouth, to eating a healthy diet, and goes from being a totally self-interested sociopath to being a contributing member of whatever society it finds itself in.

    The neurons don't have a prior agenda. They just fire based on whether their outputs have been inhibited or amplified by other neurons. The brain is almost infinitely adaptable, within the STFN function constraints. You could take a mouse brain and put it into a machine, and train it to burrow. Or to fly.

    The amplified paths combine to become our top-level consciousness. The suppressed paths, the actions which also were initially formed from chaos and combined to form a different path but which were ultimately suppressed by external factors, still exist. Their low level paths were electrically favored up to a point, when they were out-amplified by the main process, and they are still there, waiting to either rise if needed, or to fade away from disuse. This is what we call the unconscious.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 12-10-2023 at 02:18 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I take a very mechanistic view of intelligence. Here is how I see it.

    Let's say that you were the god of a project in which you wanted to create a general-purpose device which would navigate in the world, stay charged, and accomplish some purpose. A self-directed, mobile robot, for example. You don't know beforehand what the world that this device will live in will be like, so you have to build a machine which is general-purpose, and which will have to train itself in the environment in which it finds itself. Maybe the surface of Jupiter. Maybe an underground tunnel. Maybe a flying drone.

    The device will fundamentally need sensors to interact with its environment, and an internal monitor to check its battery level and sensor condition. Se and Si. It will need pattern recognition to distinguish one object from another, and give names to these objects. Te and Ti. It will need some way to evaluate how important these objects are to itself and whether they meet with its handler's goals. Fi and Fe. Finally, it will need a way to determine what it can do with the objects that it finds, and what its operational options are. Ni and Ne.

    These functions are almost all determined by hardware and hard-wiring, and they act as hard constraints to perception and actions. However, they don't provide a means of interacting with and adapting to unknown environmental factors, like whether the environment is solid, liquid, or gas, or hot or cold, or anything specific. For that, you are going to have to build in some learning mechanism which rewards some actions and suppress others.

    Initially, all actions are permitted. Some actions will negatively impact the device, like falling off a table or not recharging itself. The device will either die or will "learn" that the actions which led to the bad outcome should be suppressed. Other actions, which bring it closer to its goal, should be amplified. If you aren't there to train your devices, expect them to die by the millions from taking random actions. Also expect that a few of them will absolutely learn to successfully survive in any environment.

    The neurons in the brain have feedback loops which either suppress or amplify signals from other neurons. In this way, a human baby goes from putting everything into its mouth, to eating a healthy diet, and goes from being a totally self-interested sociopath to being a contributing member of whatever society it finds itself in.

    The neurons don't have a prior agenda. They just fire based on whether their outputs have been inhibited or amplified by other neurons. The brain is almost infinitely adaptable, within the STFN function constraints. You could take a mouse brain and put it into a machine, and train it to burrow. Or to fly.

    The amplified paths combine to become our top-level consciousness. The suppressed paths, the actions which also were initially formed from chaos and combined to form a different path but which were ultimately suppressed by external factors, still exist. Their low level paths were electrically favored up to a point, when they were out-amplified by the main process, and they are still there, waiting to either rise if needed, or to fade away from disuse. This is what we call the unconscious.
    Damn, you pretty much just put all my harping about Attachment Issues into a rather understandable context. You can, do, and let's be honest for the grand majority of us, did adapt to an unideal and shit environment. The thing is that, unlike the surface of Jupiter, we actually can change the parameters/environment in meaningful ways and we are not some drone made for a specific purpose by an outside actor. A self-optimizing mining probe is still, end of the day, trying to become the best miner it can be. We are not mining/reproducing/killing/etc. probes. We make our own fate. We get to define our own end function. We are any probe we wanna become. Question is how we use that freedom and what we decide to ultimately become.

    Of course, you have to actually survive long enough to actually reach that point and by then a great deal of momentum has already been built up. Those are the neurons that got amplified and others suppressed. To use a quote I'm paraphrasing from a textbook on the subject: "Avoidant" people can deal but they can't feel. "Anxious" people can feel and reel, but they can't deal. You got that way because that's how you survived to the age of reason with suboptimal parents (if you were even lucky enough to grow up with both parents in the household) in a likely shitty and unsafe environment where you couldn't be sure if anyone around you could be trusted (as if you can't even trust your own parents who the hell can you trust? Our primitive monkey brains invariably answer no one subconsciously and we act on that)

    Sadly, reason is a reaction to emotion for, well, everyone the research has studied. Emotional centers of the brain fire first, and then the rational centers fire. I've said it before but I'll say it again: People are not "rational" but they always "rationalize" their behavior. Some of us are more self-aware than others and can thus make a pretty darn good showing in making it look like we're going in the other direction. Stoicism comes to mind.

    Also, to keep this on topic I got "Desire". I'd reckon that fits for most people with an Sp/Sx instinct stack.

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