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Thread: Borderline Personality Disorder, borderlines

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default Borderline Personality Disorder, borderlines

    trauma dump time, whenever id fight my sister and bring her to crying (usually after her pushign me to the edge after persisntetly harassing me and theres other factors, i dont feel good about it or justified either way, at the time i didnt see a way out) id try to calm her down which i felt unequipped to do, and it was somewhat rushed bc i was afraid my parents would hear her and punish me, my take is this taught her when shes vulnerable to handle her emotions in a fake way, and to solve her problems in a fake way. self deception, and also to get shallow validation and distractions instead of real understanding
    shes borderline and im not or at least wasnt until i started mirorring borderlines and narcs bc that was what i was surrounded by
    now idk if some doc didnt do smth to her as a baby and thst why she was misbehaving and then it turned to that and we dont know how to solve someone's problem like that bc they are hurt and angry aobut smth they may not even remember.
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    I don't think you should hold yourself so responsible for how your sister developed. She had many experiences besides her fights with you, and she made her own choices.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I don't think you should hold yourself so responsible for how your sister developed. She had many experiences besides her fights with you, and she made her own choices.
    i sunk deep into cluster B issues but it wasnt out of my choice, and the way i got out was with extreme effort and i would be berated for what i was that i didnt CHOOSE to become. its easy to say someone chose what they are. it may be true in some cases, but i dont KNOW that. maybe some ppl can also really know if someone chose it or not, but i dont feel confident in that. my head center is undefined in human design idk if thats related.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i sunk deep into cluster B issues but it wasnt out of my choice, and the way i got out was with extreme effort and i would be berated for what i was that i didnt CHOOSE to become. its easy to say someone chose what they are. it may be true in some cases, but i dont KNOW that. maybe some ppl can also really know if someone chose it or not, but i dont feel confident in that. my head center is undefined in human design idk if thats related.
    Human design? I thought you were moving away from the occult/occult mentalities.

    Anyway, I think you feel yourself to be more powerless than most people think of themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Anyway, I think you feel yourself to be more powerless than most people think of themselves.
    i thnk thats a shallow analysis, cluster B disorders have an increased suicide rate. i imagine a partial reason for it can be that they can't change despite trying to (PTSD with cluster B are 2 different things so smth else is upping the rate) and htey know they're wrong, ofc u will get vareity of ppl who fall into one kind of a disorder. the way those ppl act is not out of a place of power definitely, its often dumb and pathetic, im not saying it to bash them in that sense bc they have literal cognitive deficiency and why wouldn't they fix it instead of acting like an entitled dumb child forcing their way imposing themslves on everyone and then killing themselves like am i supposed to be impressed? i wonder if u thinjk they do it bc they want to or decided to, but i dont think thats a holistic perspective and agian may come from the fact u urself have issues in ur unconscious and ur tired of figuring out ways to process them and build urself or maybe ur just stuck at this point and mb its related to that u dont know how to realte to others bc u grew up with mostly toxic ppl around you so you dont know much better
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    I understand some of it, cause relative was sent for 3 months for DBT therapy. She laid down in the classroom at school and wigged out when someone on the administration tried to pick her up, which then developed into legal problems and they expelled her until further notice. She also laid down in the middle of the road.

    If one can somehow stop the pain from the feeling of separation/abandonment, then that push pull terror pain dynamic can subside like a collapsing wave in the water - and it calms. It's extremely limbic and so the idea is to stop the cascade tidal wave before it turns catastrophic. Our pain threshold is only so high.

    My sympathies.

    As humans we have the ability to abstract and at least can create strategies for controlling the uncontrollable.
    Last edited by Distance; 10-25-2023 at 12:48 PM.

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    I honestly have my suspicions that Psychologists may not approach diagnoses the way the average lay-person does - admittedly based on my currently limited information - that we get trained in the limitations of such labels. In a sense it is intuitive too, but I have noticed that people can use diagnoses as a 'legit' or 'real' thing vs. no diagnosis, not as real or whatever. And that may be partly the way the legal system operates, the insurance companies operate. Labels are a way of approximating the human condition(s)... there is also a stronger shift within Psychology towards what is called a 'dimensional' approach - that disorders are extensions in a sense of normal behavior, although of course there is wisdom in distinguishing deeply troubled people from those who may not be as troubled...

    I say all this to caution identifying with a label such a borderline, either yourself or someone else

    I also want to say some things about agency - I understand where you are coming from

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I understand some of it, cause relative was sent for 3 months for DBT therapy. She laid down in the classroom at school and wigged out when someone on the administration tried to pick her up, which then developed into legal problems and they expelled her until further notice. She also laid down in the middle of the road.

    If one can somehow stop the pain from the feeling of separation/abandonment, then that push pull terror pain dynamic can subside like a collapsing wave in the water - and it calms. It's extremely limbic and so the idea is to stop the cascade tidal wave before it turns catastrophic. Our pain threshold is only so high.

    My sympathies.

    As humans we the ability to abstract and at least can create strategies for controlling the uncontrollable.
    those ppl are addicted to the emotional highs and dont want to learn to control their emotions. they are stuck in perpetual victim mentality. this is different vs being genuinely unable to deal with particular situation, except for the fact my sister is Ti PoLR so i dont know if she doesnt have some mental disability that makes her unable to interact with ppl properly and thus have proper relationships, and we expect the wrong things of her, but i also cant know if shes just too stubborn to care bc if a BPD person gets criticized for a mistake they just overreact and play victim as i said, they cant accept being wrong unless someone becomes their doormat which means allow them to abuse you. They want ppl to allow them to abuse them, bc they are afraid they will hurt u and u will get mad and abandon them, so u have to let urself get repeatedly abused in various ways so they're comfortable that u wont leave. however this also teaches them to keep abusing u and not accepting their mistakes, bc after all anytime they acted hurt when u criticized thme for their bs u still accepted them without them changing anything. they just have this "we're fine" "we're not fine" binary way of relationships which is also called splitting, idealizing and devaluing then discarding. ofc if u keep hurting someone WHILE BEING DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT they will be sick of ur shit and after some time will leave. Another reason they hurt others is to power trip, another is bc they like hte demonic power they feel when they do it and it fules their victim complex. Like they think they are a hurt person whos acting out and its supposed to be dramatic and ur supposed to feel sorry for them and then they kill themselves or someone else and u pushing them to do it shows they win bc they lived with their trauma and u couldnt bear less than what they've beared (they abuse u to show u their pain and they always think their pain is more than others, which may be again related to being abaonded to die. its a female disorder more often bc women are generally less practical and weaker be it for biological or environmental factors, so more under the whims of the outer environment, so if u abandon them ur telling them "i will not protect and support you, when you need me." and bc they are dumb and women they may be afraid they will die or get hurt cuz they dont know how to protect themselves even if they can e.g. fall for the wrong person and get molested, trapped, trafficked or murdered). my sister took hits to the head from me but again she was acting out before them too so idk whats that about and i know ppl beaten worse than her who arent borderlines.

    i personally would lose memories bc of gaslighting and assumptions from everyone, and one of those would ofc be if e veryone's against me maybe im the problem. cluster Bs overreact to slights like being made fun of. for me its a problem bc id feel horrible and be restricted at home, then stupid spoiled kids or just assholes would make fun of me and if im ignoring them bc im trying to process my own emotions or if i react angrily bc im angry and i just tell them to fuck off which is very normal thing to do for anyone anyway, they make it personal, so i ahve to repress distort and fake my own emotions and memories to avoid triggering others so they wont beat me up bc pain would render me unable to function bored and tortured for very long time while being unable to forgive someone who's not sorry so i cant let it go and i need to have revenge bc i also think those ppl will grow up to abuse others at work or any place they infest and this is actually most normal ppl who are like them, im already in bad health hence much less ability to defend myself physically anyway. so ofc i will overreact when someone accusses me of something when i feel (i dont "know" if its true anymore bc my memories are distorted in that state, ppl who are under cluster B abuse develop memory issues bc they dissociate and depresonalzie) they have actually repatedly harmed me and restricted me and maybe even the reason i do something they accuse me of, and that thing may not even be bad or harmful but they perceive it as so, or since they are spoiled and evil what they want iwll always come above what someone else needs for them, now i dont even know how to argue with them bc its a web of bullshit lies and gaslighting that i always ahve to argue with, so i am in a sense forced to overreact every time bc i dont know whats fair or not. so i understand BPDs who overreact in that sense, but BPDs will often treat anyone as toxic or trying to manipulate them without understanding if they really are or not, and again idk if they dont understand bc they are just also selfish ppl who have never cared to think abo ut where someone else is coming from, cluster Bs often only or overly think about their personal interests or experiences without including others to be able to discern whats actually happening. in braingel's case she has executive disabiltiy that makes her struggle to not only talk about herself and her issues allegedly, i think her brain is physically impacted by bones which happenned to me too which prevents certain ways of functioning interacting and adapting, yet she has generally made much more effort than most ppl to not make presumptions and attack others, so shes not BPD. otoh she can actually die bc she chose to not be confrontational which means not confront her physical rpoblems so shes stuck with her parents who have threatened to remove her uterus whic his not the same as killing her, but also thier restricting her makes her forced to choose to stay with them vs becoming a brainwashed normie good for nothing abuser working a normie job and mistreating others without "understnaidng" bc her thinking brain has been repressed severly distorted. then theres ppl with disabilities conditions and problems that most ppl will never try to or care to understand and will mistreat with assumptions and pushing them until they die then pretend that person would die anyway, that they did nothing wrong or that they didnt know what they were doing was wrong if it was, or even if it was it wasnt their fault.

    if i didnt restrict my self to try to fix my disorders that ppl werent supporting me about generally and made it way more difficult than it could have been otherwise and mb it would never get that bad if there was somewhere uncensored where ppl just spoke the truth (instead of being infested with evil on the other side of the fence) that i couild communicate and not feel like im completely insane, i may have killed animals and or forced on the street and id either develop complete psychopathy or psychosis and get killed or exploit others

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    And if it was, I didn't mean it.
    And if I did, you deserved it.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 10-25-2023 at 12:36 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    those ppl are addicted to the emotional highs and dont want to learn to control their emotions. they are stuck in perpetual victim mentality. this is different vs being genuinely unable to deal with particular situation, except for the fact my sister is Ti PoLR so i dont know if she doesnt have some mental disability that makes her unable to interact with ppl properly and thus have proper relationships, and we expect the wrong things of her, but i also cant know if shes just too stubborn to care bc if a BPD person gets criticized for a mistake they just overreact and play victim as i said, they cant accept being wrong unless someone becomes their doormat which means allow them to abuse you. They want ppl to allow them to abuse them, bc they are afraid they will hurt u and u will get mad and abandon them, so u have to let urself get repeatedly abused in various ways so they're comfortable that u wont leave.
    This is not something that you have to accept

    It can be genuinely difficult to improve when you are handicapped by a mental illness, but if there were very real and true limitations imposed, there might be some wiggle room - which is where something like mindfulness/buddhism influenced practices, DBT/CBT comes in imo

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    > why she was misbehaving

    Chronic psyche disorders, excluding traumas/organic cases, are on biology predisposition. It's similar as to have bad immunity compared to what is for majority of people.
    Genetic reasons, as a part of biology, are seen on relatives having disorders of clinical or subclinical degrees.

    How to deal with people which have psyche problems can be asked at medics. They may recommend meds which may improve the situation. Mb will offer more.

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    If you can understand then you can drive out the crazy.

    Abstraction over reaction.

    I once read literature on bipolar where it was modeled on a convulsive spectrum, not limbic per se.

    Anti convulsants were used in mouse studies where they induced it to them and the animal developed convulsions when it encountered the same areas where it received shock. Eventually the mouse would convulse when not in the same area, and it took on a self driving trigger when the mouse was stressed. Then in time, it convulsed without any triggers, and the study highlighted a parallel with bipolar patients. First stress, then episode, then episodes without stress in its life cycles.

    They call it a non homologous model from a lack in 1 to 1 correspondence.

    I think it's a over stimulation of the limbic system, it's on fire, and one day the fire might be extinguished via technology.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I think it's a over stimulation of the limbic system
    BPD reminds small form of autism.
    To compare with: Asperger's Syndrome, Ennagream 9 type.

    Those people are touchy to external stimuls, so some over stimulation there is. Tuning to external conditions makes more prepared to stimuls and so those accepted easier.
    Such people should remind kids being adults. Mb to have kiddy traits in behavior. Words, clothes, interests.
    It's harder for them to find the ones near who they'd feel good enough. Besides giving more of attention to their needs, those should tolerate their kiddy (impulsive, egocentric, irresponsible) behavior, where it's not expected. To delicately try to change it, the same as with kids. They may want to be alone or lesser communicated when are overloaded by stimuls, - this should be accepted too, - to get lesser of attention from their side to you, when you'd want it.
    There are meds, which mb reduce problems. But I'm not assured they are reasonable for not critical cases for which meds are made, in general.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    BPD reminds small form of autism.
    To compare with: Asperger's Syndrome, Ennagream 9 type.

    Those people are touchy to external stimuls, so some over stimulation there is. Tuning to external conditions makes more prepared to stimuls and so those accepted easier.
    Such people should remind kids being adults. Mb to have kiddy traits in behavior. Words, clothes, interests.
    It's harder for them to find the ones near who they'd feel good enough. Besides giving more of attention to their needs, those should tolerate their kiddy (impulsive, egocentric, irresponsible) behavior, where it's not expected. To delicately try to change it, the same as with kids. They may want to be alone or lesser communicated when are overloaded by stimuls, - this should be accepted too, - to get lesser of attention from their side to you, when you'd want it.
    There are meds, which mb reduce problems. But I'm not assured they are reasonable for not critical cases for which meds are made, in general.
    The disorder features a lack of cognitive empathy or the ability to walk in other shoes, so in this way it can look related, and the sensitivity is abandonment, in the same manner typical of people, but of much higher magnitude emotionally.

    All these PD's feature some form of theory of mind deficits, and NPD lacks emotional mirroring or straight-up empathy, and high in pain for the narc injury to the ego.

    Yeah, all of it is some form of a developmental disorder, where social order is significantly impacted.

    Schizoid is TOE or theory of emotion disorder- can't bridge bonding with people.
    Last edited by Distance; 10-26-2023 at 08:40 PM.

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    released 8 hours ago
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    The disorder features a lack of cognitive empathy
    In the case of autism and near disorders this can be protective secondary symptom. While the base to be opposite - redundant activation. Including empathy.
    Check about Asperger - it's autistic people who keep the mind good enough to be able explain what happens with them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist
    i thnk thats a shallow analysis, cluster B disorders have an increased suicide rate. i imagine a partial reason for it can be that they can't change despite trying to (PTSD with cluster B are 2 different things so smth else is upping the rate) and htey know they're wrong, ofc u will get vareity of ppl who fall into one kind of a disorder. the way those ppl act is not out of a place of power definitely, its often dumb and pathetic, im not saying it to bash them in that sense bc they have literal cognitive deficiency and why wouldn't they fix it instead of acting like an entitled dumb child forcing their way imposing themslves on everyone and then killing themselves like am i supposed to be impressed? i wonder if u thinjk they do it bc they want to or decided to, but i dont think thats a holistic perspective and agian may come from the fact u urself have issues in ur unconscious and ur tired of figuring out ways to process them and build urself or maybe ur just stuck at this point and mb its related to that u dont know how to realte to others bc u grew up with mostly toxic ppl around you so you dont know much better
    I mean I don't think even cluster B people tend to see themselves as victims of circumstance. Maybe someone doesn't know how to be different, but acting without knowing better is different from being unable to make choices at all, you know?

    I do think people like that are making choices.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    The disorder features a lack of cognitive empathy or the ability to walk in other shoes, so in this way it can look related, and the sensitivity is abandonment, in the same manner typical of people, but of much higher magnitude emotionally.

    All these PD's feature some form of theory of mind deficits, and NPD lacks emotional mirroring or straight-up empathy, and high in pain for the narc injury to the ego.

    Yeah, all of it is some form of a developmental disorder, where social order is significantly impacted.

    Schizoid is TOE or theory of emotion disorder- can't bridge bonding with people.
    There is a huge problem when Theory of Mind gets extended. Many different causes begin to merge and break apart.
    In essence it should be narrowed not broadened to actually understand it. Otherwise it becomes a mess and possibly standing on an ethical high horse.
    I'd like to see performance on more abstracted form of the usual Sally Anne test.

    Instead of just 2 humans and a doll it should vary its contents.
    Some examples:
    Two insects and a pollination procedure.
    Three objects where one object moves another object.

    That's more interesting. Lots of new ways to understand issues.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    There is a huge problem when Theory of Mind gets extended. Many different causes begin to merge and break apart.
    In essence it should be narrowed not broadened to actually understand it. Otherwise it becomes a mess and possibly standing on an ethical high horse.
    I'd like to see performance on more abstracted form of the usual Sally Anne test.

    Instead of just 2 humans and a doll it should vary its contents.
    Some examples:
    Two insects and a pollination procedure.
    Three objects where one object moves another object.

    That's more interesting. Lots of new ways to understand issues.
    I think the disorder label helps the individual not feel broken or blame themselves.

    ASD people have a higher Theory of Things where the complaint is that NT ( neurotypical) are embedded in that mirroring bubble of emotions and miss alternative ideas away from ethical inventions.

    Midgets are also on a spectrum of disorder and they are forced into a way of viewing life in different terms, creating different ideas, so in way a disorder causes different flows that are not necessarily bad in of itself.

    Wife has a relative who is ASD with special interests, and the way i imagine it is not reading body language so you can only download or dumpload info in one direction, not understanding how communication unfolds in a give and a take scenario.

    ASD people are more abstracted away from reality and in a way not cloistered by social expectations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    I think the disorder label helps the individual not feel broken or blame themselves.

    ASD people have a higher Theory of Things where the complaint is that NT ( neurotypical) are embedded in that mirroring bubble of emotions and miss alternative ideas away from ethical inventions.

    Midgets are also on a spectrum of disorder and they are forced into a way of viewing life in different terms, creating different ideas, so in way a disorder causes different flows that are not necessarily bad in of itself.

    Wife has a relative who is ASD with special interests, and the way i imagine it is not reading body language so you can only download or dumpload info in one direction, not understanding how communication unfolds in a give and a take scenario.

    ASD people are more abstracted away from reality and in a way not cloistered by social expectations.

    There's a beauty in every beast.
    Ok but the phenomena of ToM captured by the simple test.
    There is this autistic adults who still claim to default to this pre-ToM. It just raises bunch of new questions. Are they measuring apples and oranges together giving the same output?
    There is something very curious going on.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    Ok but the phenomena of ToM captured by the simple test.
    There is this autistic adults who still claim to default to this pre-ToM. It just raises bunch of new questions. Are they measuring apples and oranges together giving the same output?
    There is something very curious going on.
    It's an interesting question, but the face of it shows a lack of perspective but it might yield something different if it is worked out differently in alternate testings.

    That Sally Anne test works 90 percent on 5 yo and 10 percent can perspective take with that test.

    So there is something else to it, overall it looks like a profound lack of interest due to under stimulation, and in time they can ToM with practice, but the fundamental flaw is it doesn't happen subconsciously.

    If you start here, it captures the essence, a lack of intrinsic social instinct.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    If you start here, it captures the essence, a lack of intrinsic social instinct.
    But ToM can be entirely mechanical:
    We have sensors called eyes. You cover your eyes you can not see a jackshit. We have a working hypothesis. Just test it. Cover your eyes. Confirmed.
    The other person is equipped similarly. They have eyes.
    Now, you can not see what has happened if those sensors can not pick up that sort of information.
    Therefore it follows they can not follow changes they can not see.

    To fail in it seems entirely illogical to me if you can see and observe the world around you.

    I have seen this in kids too. My nephew (SLE, 5 years) understands it now but he struggled to see it when he was 3 and 4+.

    It is fascinating.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I mean I don't think even cluster B people tend to see themselves as victims of circumstance. Maybe someone doesn't know how to be different, but acting without knowing better is different from being unable to make choices at all, you know?

    I do think people like that are making choices.
    sometimes they adopt the darkness or identify with it but this is a false self and a sin. it can be pride for them or an addiction of being bad and powerful, or to like to feel in control of their circumstance.
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    Quote Originally Posted by OW3 View Post
    ToM my hairy ass.

    If ToM is legit then I want to ask why normal "neurotypical" people are often being cheated by scams and fraud? By using their magical (bullshit) theory of mind, they should be able to detect who is the scammer.

    No, Theory of Mind does not exist, it's actually the ego of neurotypicals.

    If you are neurotypical, you don't run into many communication problems, since most people do the same thing as you. As time goes on you build up the ego, telling yourself that you can understand other people by ascribing their mental states. Because "I think that way, you have to think like my way"...No, people don't have thinking like you.

    well, yes, it's a theory of the mind (or minds) etc. and that's exactly one of it's limitations. Psychologists like Peter Fonagy might argue that an intact or healthy theory of mind is actually quite flexible. yes, there might still be conceptualization outside the realm of what someone might theorize (heck, they might not even believe something, a state of mind, exists, I have observed this is weak Ne types sometimes. Or might ignore ... obvious chasms or logical holes maybe, and simply present a wall of skepticism. we all do this to some degree but yeah it's not inaccurate to observe it in others)

    by the way I do relate to feeling frustrated when interacting with "neurotypicals" or the callousness that can be presented to those that are not (lack of empathy/poor theory of mind) but I don't really like using the word NT because we are all human and I see it as not just dimensional but potentially also dynamic. I guess to a degree, I guess it depends but yeah. But people are different, they have a wide variety of capabilities, which is where a unique connection comes in

    Last edited by necrosebud; 10-30-2023 at 01:36 AM.

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    Are you familiar with Richard Grannon?

    Check out his youtube channel on narcs, borderlines, cluster b, ect. He actually classifies all the cluster b(s) as being the same issues, but on a spectrum. Its an ability/inability to handle reality, from some episodes in childhood, and this extends throughout the life, hence living in a life long-low grade psychosis in order to cope. He says ALL narcs/borderlines/bipolars are vulnerable, regardless of any overt or covert grandiosity. The problem is that people get sucked into their realities, over time, a so-called "deal with the devil".

    What is the devil by the way? Pure selfishness? Anyway...

    He goes far deeper than the East indian woman about narcs, he's also relatable in the sense of his no bullshit approach. Narcs are still people too, just deeply broken in a way that can't be repaired unless they seek out help themselves. Ofc and obv, they are people's friends, family, spouses, gfs, bfs, coworkers, bosses, politicians, male, female, ect. They are still human, but are unable to see past the face of their false self. Especially when they get overloaded and activate their central nervous systems. So called "flight-fight-fawn-freeze".

    Its troubling, on a deeply abusive and interpersonal cosmic scale, I know, to be on the receiving end of this. How can someone you care about be so awful?


    .......You can also check out YouTuber Lee Hammock "Mental Healness". He is a diagnosed NPD and he starts his videos by saying that. He has a wife and kids and has been in therapy for 5 years to learn about himself. He also makes the disorder relatable and human again, after the need to qualify them as unhealthy. After recording the issue, the time comes to heal contextualize it and make you and the problem feel normal again and not as insurmountable.

    I have personal, first hand exp with the cluster b, and dark triad, as well as a life long questing, experimenting, and learning, about ego related issues, long before I came in contact with these personality disorders. And yes, I think they are truly disordered. Look at the mess left in their wake.

    Honestly though? I think a part of what helps is removing yourself from the situation altogether. That would involve moving out, away, or limiting contact, at least until you get your bearings and can interact without any of the toxic dynamics and trauma bonding that INEVITABLY occurs. I'm not sure how old you are, but tbh...

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    released 8 hours ago
    I think that anything you see on youtube, or anywhere on the screen of your internet, is, maybe unfortunately, not a true synchronicity. The reach of google is long and their AI algorithms have been studying you, us, everyone, for decades. If you see it, you were meant to see it.

    Having said that, I do think synchronicities are real. In fact Jung conceptualized it a long time ago, with the story of the "beetle and the dream bug".

    A patient had a dream and in that dream was a bug and as she explain this to him, at that moment, a bettle flew through the window and landed in the room, to both their astonishment. THAT is what a synchronicity is.

    But maybe "we", techies, built synchronicity machines?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Finaplex View Post
    I think that anything you see on youtube, or anywhere on the screen of your internet, is, maybe unfortunately, not a true synchronicity. The reach of google is long and their AI algorithms have been studying you, us, everyone, for decades. If you see it, you were meant to see it.

    Having said that, I do think synchronicities are real. In fact Jung conceptualized it a long time ago, with the story of the "beetle and the dream bug".

    A patient had a dream and in that dream was a bug and as she explain this to him, at that moment, a bettle flew through the window and landed in the room, to both their astonishment. THAT is what a synchronicity is.

    But maybe "we", techies, built synchronicity machines?
    its a synchronicity because its not a random video from a random creator, i know who this person is and they released that song about that time. this isnt top videos about t BPD esp on release to have more reach, and this isnt the most popular artist
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    Some good psychologists on BPD you can look at:

    Marsha Linehan
    Peter Fonagy et al
    Kernberg is kind of old school psychodynamic as far as I am aware
    Maybe Zanarini
    Kenneth Levy I believe is more so NPD but his thing is attachment in general

    there’s a lot more but I would start with the first two my personal recommendations

    be careful of what you take as “true” from informal sources I personally often find them distorted representations (or “cluster b or Machiavellian people monolith of all of them” of ppl with these disorders - even mental health prof if they have not spent time studying them

    the ppl above have and I’m not saying personal experiences don’t count; research and clinicians attempt to be more objective and have wider variety access to the same populations

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    This might be enlightening here for some in a self discovery.

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    I’m case that was directed at me I’m already familiar with the basics of BPD watches that video a long time ago, my psyeducatiom on the topic started when I was 14 due to natural interest in it and at this point I know the basic plus more cutting edge research

    it doesn’t fix anything and I don’t completely relate to some BPD symptoms anyway

    like the diagnosis is at best an approximation

    if it wasn’t then nvm

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