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Thread: The Three Ranges (Subtypes) of Instinctual Stackings

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    Default The Three Ranges (Subtypes) of Instinctual Stackings

    The Three Ranges of Instinctual Stackings

    The three ranges for SX/SP:

    "Seducer" Sx/Sp (strong sx, weak sp) - Sx in full command produces an active recruiter of potential mates, but being sx/sp this remains in the yin mode of seducing. Charismatic and overtly sexualized. Arguably the most purely Sx of all stacks and ranges. Draws from the So/Sx shadow to liven up Sx into an erotic playfulness and to keep Sx far ahead of their relatively nominal Sp. There is an emotional yearning to their mating ritual; an inherently unstable range that can lead to a pattern of serial heartbreaks. Often confused for Sx/So or So/Sx.

    "Mystifier" Sx/Sp (midrange, balanced sp and sx) - The range where the mystique of the sx/sp stack is at its strongest. Unconsciously attracts with intense eye contact and other Sx 'feelers', but holds back enough to give them a kind of untouchable or hard to get close to quality. Depending on their true intentions, this subtype can either frustrate their Sx or reward their functional sp cooling system. Like midrangers of all stacks, there's a seemingly casual approach to meeting their variant needs as the secondary instinct is kept both in play and at bay, while others may wonder what they really want.

    "Wanderer" Sx/Sp (strong sp) - The most classically 'blocked' of the Sx's, often exchanging intimacy in favor of the more immediate pleasures of the physical senses. Paradoxically the most wandering and restless of the Sx/Sp's. Pulls from Sp/So to ensure the Sx flood is contained by the Sp levee, which can provide a sense of stability at the expense of seeming put off by others. Sex can mean a hollow satisfying of the instinct, while more vulnerable feelings are suspended. Quietly charged but muted. Can seem self pres first.

    The three ranges for SP/SX:

    "Ascetic" Sp/Sx (strong sp, weak sx) - Mimics sp/so building of career and security, with an eye on advancement in the name of self sufficiency, but has little or no concern for social recognition as in the case of so/sp. Generally serious but enjoys being amused by others. Quote: "Looking out for number one." Pulls from so/sp to mute sx.
    Roles: the island, the one-man enterprise.

    "Binger" Sp/Sx (midrange, balanced sp and sx) - Can 'hang out' around like-minded persons to imbibe in favorite goodies, though social interaction itself is not a priority. They do however remain slyly conscious of interpersonal attraction, even if characteristically hesitant to make a first move. Whether alone or not, retains an air of privacy and is reluctant to 'come out' of themselves. Quote: "All things in moderation, including moderation."
    Roles: the soloist, the mercenary.

    "Decadent" Sp/Sx (strong sx) - Sp at its most saturated with Sx. Sp-attending ways are offset by a wilder outgoing streak. Frequently reaches outside of themselves, but then pulls back. Noticeable 'Sx-like' traits, often enough to pass for an Sx-first. Pulls from Sx/So to enhance the Sx. Quote: "What is my life, without the things I love?"
    Role: the sensualist, the hedonist.

    The three ranges for SP/SO:

    "Strongside" Sp/So (strong sp, weak so) - Concerned with building and maintaining an orderly home, personal stability, and with the protection and nurturing of these life support systems. Consequently, many sp/so strongsiders are concentrated in small towns and suburban areas where like-minded people support and respect each other's space and privacy. Tapping into sx/sp gives them a taciturn edge, appearing to be social-second in name only. This stacking and this range is arguably the purest expression of self-preservation. Their somewhat gruff demeanor can make them quite amusing despite themselves. Often mistaken for Sp/Sx due to stronger expressed focus on personal items, food, and domestic concerns.
    Roles: the pillar, the accountant, the farmer.

    "Builder" Sp/So (midrange, balanced sp and so) - The most businesslike range of Sp/So stacking, and hence of all stacks and ranges. Trades a degree of self sufficiency to be involved with larger organizations, bringing along their natural propensity for development and management of resources. For example, a strongsider may attain financial security for themselves or loved ones, but a midrange builder may enrich an entire team, company, or city on the way. Frequently found among entrepreneurs, architects, engineers, bankers, city planners, corporate ceo's, and coaches, as well as proprietors and managers of small businesses. Can be difficult for them to relate outside of their primary focus, being more 'locked in' to their stack than the other ranges. As such, they are inclined to keep themselves busy with projects which seem useful to them.
    Roles: the planner, the developer, the executive.

    "Warmside" Sp/So (strong so) - Draws from So/Sx to produce what is overall a lighter, friendlier, and more humor employing style within the self-pres, though they are funny often with some conscious effort and without much irony, unlike strongsiders who are relatively less aware of how they're perceived. Can seem more sociable than many So-firsts, and better embodying of a common touch. A notable degree of social consciousness tempers their more private security seeking instinct, so not surprisingly weaksiders can seem So-first, often with a certain generous or self-sacrificial quality.
    Roles: the self deprecator, the sidekick, the philanthropist

    The three ranges for SO/SP:

    "Warmside" So/Sp (strong so) - This stacking pulls from Sx/So to enhance outer warmth, revving up the So to where they can pass off as more stereotypically so/sx than many actual so/sx's. Not surprisingly, many supposed So/Sx's and Sx/So's are in fact So/Sp's of this warmside range. Being Sx last, they tend to relate less through nonverbal expression and more through talking and joking around; but what they lack in subtlety they may make up for in overt conscientiousness, whereas so/sx's tend to be subtle and tactful.
    Roles: the populist, the humorist, the fundraiser, the entertainer, the socialite.

    "Cordial" So/Sp (midrange, balanced so and sp) - This is the classic or 'true' So/Sp, not likely to be mistaken for either So/Sx nor Sp/So. The most wide reaching and moderate of the ranges; friendly, but not ingratiating, anchored by a larger sense of community but not at the expense of delicate alliances. More verbal than the formal range, but less sociable than the warmside So/Sp. Has a strong sense of fairness and equality, though with an academic or careerist bent may come off as elitist.
    Roles: the journalist, the globalist, the egalitarian.

    "Formal" So/Sp (strong sp) - Pulls from Sp/Sx for a more self contained style. So, while still primary, is muted. Can seem critical and more impersonal than the other ranges. A usual focus on topics, issues, and responsibilities affecting specific levels of society. Usually well connected, but in informal settings may let others do most of the talking. May seem Sp-first at first glance.
    Roles: the pundit, the judge, the commentator.

    The three ranges for SO/SX:

    "Lightside" So/Sx (strong soc, weak sx) - So is an unquestioned dictator here, just as in warmside So/Sp, and on the other end is the darkside: So as the chairman, and Sx as the vice chairman who sleeps with the chairman. And the midrange, that lovely muddy area in between where soc is the boss but sx at least has its own corner office. Have an elevated and somewhat detached presentation style that seems to go fully into expression of broad scale ideas, with the link to the particular audience and individuals being enervated. Most often confused for so/sp.

    Lightsiders vs darksiders is almost like a phobic/counterphobic split in attitude. The Lightside is engaging, ingratiating even, and is the closest to what has become the stereotype for So/Sx. Unmistakably friendly, amusing, eager to attend to others in a personal, customized way. Also hesitant or unwilling to upset the delicate chemistry or harmony of individual or group dynamics, since So cohesion is at a premium.

    "Midrange" So/Sx's have a less pre-committed way of dealing with people, and therefore appear to express the mercurial aspects of the so/sx stacking more so than the other ranges. I used to call it the "grey" range since it made me think of dusky unreadability, or manipulation through inscrutability. "Midrange" So/Sx's seem especially averse to being predictable, preferring to hold the license to adapt whatever attitude the situation requires. Until those conditions become clear, they default to a kind of seeming indifference or nonchalance (a stark contrast to the sociably upfront quality of their cordial So/Sp cousins). This is a pliant, laid-back so/sx.

    "Darksider" So/Sx's (strong sx), on the other hand, seem eager to prove their So isn't in full control, so they typically test the boundaries of traditional So values. May exhibit knee-jerk reactions and voice resentment against shared peer and culture behaviors and fall on warmside strategies for making connections. They aren't any less healthy by definition, but can seem that way due to their darker, more confrontational manner. They use highly customized interactive tactics like all so/sx's, but in a more uncompromising "keeping it real" way, owing to the active tension between "good" So and "bad" Sx. May get mistaken for Sx first stackings Sx/Sp and Sx/So.

    The three ranges for SX/SO:

    "Fireside" Sx/So (strong sx) - Pulls from Sp/Sx shadow to intensify Sx. Exhibitionism, wild abandon, most 'on fire' of all stackings and ranges.

    "Flirter" Sx/So (moderate sx and so) - Highly sociable and extroverted per type. Flirtatious interaction style. More coy than the firesiders, but more risque than the coolsiders.

    "Coolside" Sx/So (strong so) - 'Cooled' by So with some intellectual reserve. Pulls from the So/Sp's secondary political activist streak. Tends to channel Sx into social causes. Gives a fire-and-ice feelings in discussions.
    Last edited by silke; 08-08-2018 at 11:39 PM.

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