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Thread: Types of relations

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    Default Types of relations

    Didn't like the descriptions much... but - oh well, they're the only ones all right and in English and I don't have time for translating the ones I really like right now...

    Your opinion on the information below is welcomed (:

    Types of relations
    Each person, depending on the partner can be engaged in the following 16 types of relations.

    Relations of Dualization
    As it was mentioned before, human psyche is asymmetrical by nature, and each person has both strong and weak sides. The most favorable relationship will form where the asymmetry of the opponent's psyche supplements yours. This "supplementary" person is called a Dual. It is not only the most favorable type of relations for marriage, it is also the most productive relations for work. Duals support your strong sides and protects your weak sides without getting on your nerves. They love you "Just because" without asking anything in return. Of course they feel loved too, since you are also a Dual to them.

    Relations of Semi-dualization
    This type of relations is also very promising. When Semi-duals meet and make plans everything works out just as if they were Duals. But when it comes to the point, when something needs to be actually done, they find that both have weaknesses in one area and, thus, cannot effectively help each other. Thus, when they get to know each other better, slight mutual disappointment may develop.

    Relations of Illusion
    In this type of relations, partners may really help each other, but they cannot support the weakest sides of one another. Strong sides of the partners lie in one area and are equally developed, and therefore are not appreciated much.The weakest sides of characters are on the contrary perceived too unappealing, since it is a disadvantage of both. Therefore, the partner is usually treated as a nice person for spending some vacation time with, but is never perceived as a serious work partner. But in family life these relations may be favorable for those who prefers psychological comfort.

    Relations of Contrast
    Partners can exchange information when they have common ground. They look at problems from different perspectives and, thus, their communication remains shallow - as if they talk foreign languages. They find it very hard to work together, because they can't concentrate even on the little things. They can't very well coordinate their actions. When they meet they usually get attracted by opponent's oddity, even mysteriousity. Should they get married, their family life usually keeps balancing on the edge of divorce and often results in one.

    Relations of Mirror
    Partners have a lot in common - they are both Thinkers or Feelers, albeit they differ on Extravert-Introvert and Rationality-Irrationality scales. This kind of relations results in active communication in their strong areas. Whatever is contemplated by one is immediately realized by the other. They can learn a lot from each other, but sometimes they are tempted to be obtrusive in teaching. Conflicts in this type of relations are very unlikely, since no strong sides oppress the weak sides of each other.

    Relations of Conflict
    The strong sides of the partners oppress the areas where they are most vulnerable and unprotected. Therefore people in this kind of relationship can only sympathize on distance. They are attracted by the strong sides of the opponent, since it is the area where they are least confident in themselves. If they get closer, however, they start feeling the abuse and automatically begin to keep distance. Certainly, there can't be any harmony in such relations neither in marriage, nor in work. But in situations where the partners communicate remotely, for example, are members of one club, they can benefit from the advices of one another and even keep the "remote" friendship if they respect each other.

    Relations of Inspection
    This type of relations is asymmetrical, and that makes it even worse than the relations of Conflict. One of the partners is called Inspector, another -Inspectee. Inspectee always feels the pressure from the Inspector much alike the pressure of Conflict relations. But Inspector doesn't feel anything negative in return and, thus, may get too close and appear invasive. Inspector can't understand why the Inspectee is always nervous and guarded. Anything Inspector says or does is perceived unfavorably by Inspectee.That's why Inspector also feels like he is doing something wrong and feels uncomfortable, but cannot comprehend why.

    Relations of Identity
    Relations of people possessing one personality type. This type of relations is very productive in teaching. Nobody can teach better and faster then the person of the same personality type. But when their knowledge levels out they lose interest in each other, since they cannot give anything else to each other. They have identical actions and reactions, they are equally strong and equally weak in the same areas, so they don't really need each other. Even talking to each other is not very interesting - whatever is thought by one is said by another and vice versa.

    Relations of Closeness
    Both partners are perceiving the world in very much the same manner. When it comes to business their collaboration can be fruitful if they have common interests and agree to support each other. However, if their interests run apart, the relations can become irritating and harsh.

    Relations Super-ego
    Conflicting relationships. Partners' interests are always different. They cannot rely on each other in anything. The fights are very often in families with this type of relations.

    Business relations
    Calm and understanding relations. Partners understand each other in the creative areas. They can help each other if they want to, or if they have common interests.

    Relations of Activation
    Relations are favorable, although not as good as relations of Dualization. Strong sides of partners activate the weak functions, but compensation is not complete. Partners may get tired from the difference in the life rhythms, because one is Rational and another is Irrational.

    Relations of Quasi-identity
    Partners have common interests, but each thinks that the opponent yields to him in something important, but still does better in a lot of things. They can discuss some generic questions, but they find their own ways out of straits. Conflicts are rare. If necessary, they part easily and without argument.

    Relations of Instruction
    Another asymmetrical relations. One person is called Transmitter. Another is Receiver. Everything that Transmitter thinks or does is perceived by Receiver as something very important. On the other hand - the actions of Receiver are not taken seriously by Transmitter. Receiver tends to obey Transmitter in everything. In family these relations may work out only in case Receiver has some active life outside the family, where he can give away the energy received from Transmitter. If the life is contained within the family, the conflict is unavoidable, up to the divorce.

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    I've thought about the dual nature of our specie. If i'm right then information in our brain can be either potential or kinetic. Information in subconcious is potential and in concious kinetic. Potential information has to become kinetic and kinetic into potential. Kinetic information we downnload outside and if it is taken by your duals SUPERID block, then it becomes potential. Duals kinetic comes potential in our suggestive and aktivity function. Between the duals there is a complete informational exchange. That gives us the feeling of draw f.e.
    Semiotical process

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    Quote Originally Posted by discourse View Post
    I've thought about the dual nature of our specie. If i'm right then information in our brain can be either potential or kinetic. Information in subconcious is potential and in concious kinetic. Potential information has to become kinetic and kinetic into potential. Kinetic information we downnload outside and if it is taken by your duals SUPERID block, then it becomes potential. Duals kinetic comes potential in our suggestive and aktivity function. Between the duals there is a complete informational exchange. That gives us the feeling of draw f.e.
    What if there are no functions and that's just the way typologists seek to organize information in reality?
    For instance, what goes on inside my mind could produce similar results to another person while having completely different wiring.
    What am I using now, and why do you believe I am using what you think I am using?

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    A side note. On the neurological side, if two discrete functions are used in tandem long enough to where they are codependent, do they become interlinked and form a singular, evolved function?

    A scary thought to those who are invested to their, uh, potential delusions of possessing a unique nature. Although, not very far fetched in the grand scheme of things.

    Evolution leaves a grand number of defunct cogs, falling from their former place in the grand machine that is the universe.
    Last edited by nyessss; 01-27-2018 at 05:00 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by muhtempus View Post
    A side note. On the neurological side, if two discrete functions are used in tandem long enough to where they are codependent, do they become interlinked and form a singular, evolved function?

    A scary thought to those who are invested to their, uh, potential delusions of possessing a unique nature. Although, not very far fetched in the grand scheme of things.

    Evolution leaves a grand number of defunct cogs, falling from their former place in the grand machine that is the universe.
    What's that weird thing in your avatar? A panther?

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    What's that weird thing in your avatar? A panther?

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