Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
People who firmly believe in right-to-life will never resolve the misunderstandings that they have with people who believe in right-to-choose, even when they're duals. Much of a brand of values is learned and not innate to information processing. Conflict deepens when one or both parties close down, stop communicating and or insist that they're right. I had implied in my previous statement that closeness can create repulsive forces but I wouldn't limit that observation to semi-duals.

a.k.a. I/O
I was referring to the socionic term 'values' implying Se/Ni vs. Si/Ne and Ti/Fe vs. Te/Fi. The learned values are indeed a different story, but even if those are different, the different viewpoints are easier to reconcile if you value all the same information elements. The closing down and insisting on being right happens when you talk past each other due to processing and coloring information using the opposite set of lenses. Duals are opposites but share the same set of lenses, super-ego are identical in processing configuration but have exactly opposite lenses. I find this to be important in practice.