I dunno, I made a thread on the forum some time ago for typing my son, who is now nine, and I think it was helpful. Pinning a possible type on him didn't change how I view him, in the sense that the actual relationship and parent-child bond I have with him are stronger than a perception or expectation of a type, and when I am with him I am really absorbed in just enjoying his company and in parenting him, and that hasn't changed (and won't). Getting a few solid suggestions re his type instead made me think a bit more objectively about him.

Most helpful was to note that some of his weaknesses--which I already was well aware of--could be seen as polr-related. That was/is reassuring, because we live in a culture where Mom is to blame for much that isn't absolutelyfuckingperfect, and my son's father in particular has taken to (1) branding the boy as defective and (2) blaming me for it (ludicrous on both counts), and socionics stuff is just another way of saying, um, we all have our strengths and weaknesses and have to work with them and maybe sometimes no one is to blame.

So I think considering my child's possible socionics type made me somewhat less neurotic about him and about my parenting and gave me one small tool (among many other, more important ones) to withstand the nastiness and brainwashing bullshit.