Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
She's easy going BUT she occasionally lashes out at her brother and slices him meanly with her words. this is rare, but does happen when he gets on her nerves.
I think overall ESE's are more likely to lash out than EIE's, due to their Se demonstrative. However, you also said "slices him meanly with words" and that seems more EIE. ESEs just kinda blow up, and they are more confrontational. But EIEs (and IEIs) have a more quiet, sneaky viciousness.

She's quiet. Quieter than her sister in classes. They've had the same teachers (they're twins) and when the teachers compare them, this one holds back. So in fact although I do consider her EXE, she's quiet in public. The IEI is opposite, she's quieter at home and comes out of her shell in certain situations.
Yeah, my mom is EIE-Ni and was really quiet until she was about 20, when she just decided she wouldn't be anymore.
I also work with 2 EIE-Fe's, they are both excellent with customers. One has always been really vivacious and extraverted, but the other was really shy until a few years ago when she asked the first for advice on opening up and being more talkative with customers. Though the second one does have a really strange past (like, grew up on a farm with 6 houses and a church, isolated from the world, and doesn't know who Elvis is)

ANYway, this EXE is good with directions, she pays attention. Actually she pays attention to everything and I joke that I never want her to move out of the house because she keeps me organized. She knows our schedule like the back of her hand without needing to write anything down. She has a nearly photographic memory. She's very chatty at home. I could buy either type for her.
This is kinda ambiguous, really could go either way, mostly just seems like an EJ, especially Fe base.

On the one hand, she seems beta. She gets along well with her sister, and their SLE friend. As a matter of fact, sometimes she seems to appreciate the SLE more than her sister. Neither daughter is afraid of dark subjects like death or intensity. Although the IEI gets emotional and things MOVE her, whereas the EXE has a VERY steady emotionalism. She's extremely even-keeled. I like that about her. I feel like no matter what happens, she can handle anything that comes her way.
This part especially screams EIE. ESEs like when things are light and cheery, and avoid deep subjects.
Going back to talking about my work.. My boss is ESE, and another coworker is SEI. One time the three of us had lunch in the break room, and there was tons of Fe, all over the place. After a while, the SEI had to go back to work, and it was just the two of us. I guess at the time I didn't think about socionics types, and I started talking about dream meanings. She just ...shut down. I then remembered socionics and kind of backed out of that subject. Now when I have to interact with her, I either sort of take on the SEI coworker's humor style, or I act sort of innocent and childlike (I think her daughter is also IEI).
In comparison, the used-to-be-shy EIE and I frequently talk about dreams, psychology, culture, etc. and she has never had a negative reaction to it.

Also IME, both Fe bases seem good at handling whatever curve balls life throws at them. And even if they can't, they won't let it show.

Anyway, does she sound ESE or EIE?
You can probably tell by now, but I say EIE (though pictures for VI would certainly help)

But she's just so sensing too. I could see her being a food critic or write for a magazine about cooking and/or travel. She definitely feels "lighter" emotionally than the IEI, in some ways. Like she lives more on the surface.
It's also been my experience that IEIs are just.. One of the more intense types. EIEs are definitely lighter and live more on the surface than IEIs (I mean, Ni base descriptions sound like the opposite of "living on the surface" lol..)

Idk, I think a lot, a LOT of people here have wrong ideas about Se and Si. And it's really bad with the XIE Si PoLR, Se HA descriptions. Both EIEs I work with could also probably do those things really well.

And it doesn't really relate to her type, but it put a smile on my face to read your description of her. Very sweet. She sounds like she will do very well when she gets older (although she obviously is doing well now lol)