I've gone back and forth between ESE and EIE for her and I can't decide.

She's a very good writer, excellent student. One of those kids who's always in the 99th percentile of everything, if not off the charts. I've never helped her with homework, not a day in her life. She's not that great in sports although she does well with swimming. She looks just like me (like I did when I was her age). She's musical and can act but not as good as her IEI sister (who is very obviously Fe creative). She's easy going BUT she occasionally lashes out at her brother and slices him meanly with her words. this is rare, but does happen when he gets on her nerves.

She's quiet. Quieter than her sister in classes. They've had the same teachers (they're twins) and when the teachers compare them, this one holds back. So in fact although I do consider her EXE, she's quiet in public. The IEI is opposite, she's quieter at home and comes out of her shell in certain situations.

ANYway, this EXE is good with directions, she pays attention. Actually she pays attention to everything and I joke that I never want her to move out of the house because she keeps me organized. She knows our schedule like the back of her hand without needing to write anything down. She has a nearly photographic memory. She's very chatty at home. I could buy either type for her.

On the one hand, she seems beta. She gets along well with her sister, and their SLE friend. As a matter of fact, sometimes she seems to appreciate the SLE more than her sister. Neither daughter is afraid of dark subjects like death or intensity. Although the IEI gets emotional and things MOVE her, whereas the EXE has a VERY steady emotionalism. She's extremely even-keeled. I like that about her. I feel like no matter what happens, she can handle anything that comes her way. Truth is, I'm very proud of this girl. But it's not because I did much. I just love her, and she is who she is. But I kind of look at her in awe. And when people say that she reminds them of me, I take it as a huge compliment. But I know that she's so much better than me. (I was horribly gawky and self-conscious at her age)

Anyway, does she sound ESE or EIE? I showed Maritsa photos once and she said she VIs EIE. I can see that. But she's just so sensing too. I could see her being a food critic or write for a magazine about cooking and/or travel. She definitely feels "lighter" emotionally than the IEI, in some ways. Like she lives more on the surface.

She's up at the break of dawn, every single day of her life, from the time she was a newborn. She read Lord of the Rings when she was 9 or 10. She jumped off a cliff into the water four times when neither her brother or sister would do it (and they were both trying to talk her out of it). haha

She's one of the best things that ever happened to me. Oh the others too. How could I possibly say one over the other. But... there's just something about her.