Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
I have read studies about this. I still have something to learn about this but the Finnish culture doesn't necessarily appreciate anything more than a handshake when meeting strangers. But even an accidental touch helps so I might just do that. Thank you.
Just to be clear, we're both on the same page with knowing I was joking, yes? I was referencing this thread (http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...40853-Charisma) where I express my disdain for such advice. I would feel really awful if you followed that advice on my authority. I sort of don't agree with the idea that persuasion comes from invading other's personal space. Maybe I'm just weird about people touching me and I'm projecting though. Maybe there is something to it, I mean you're right, it comes up all the time as a thing that people say you should do.