Hah, the rampant misogyny in the Olympics. I guess the American gymnasts are "too" strong even though that's how they achieve their height; the swimmers "too" bulky in the upper body; and Julie Zetlin, a game-changer for the U.S., is fat. Are you kidding me? Women aren't in the Olympics to be looked at, dickwad.

This is just anecdotal, but I saw somewhere that 25% of guys prefer smaller breasts, 50% don't care much because they're focused on some other body part, and 25% prefer larger breasts.

As for me, I don't really think about how my 30B tits look on a regular basis. 32-22-35, I just kind of accepted that I look better naked than clothed.

Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
I decided that any guy who wouldn't date me because I don't have a rack isn't worth my time. I've had no trouble getting boyfriends who love me for the whole package and not just some isolated body part.
This. I have everything else going for me.

Lastly, my itty bitty titties are sensitive to stimulation. I will NEVER destroy that; turning them from devices for MY pleasure, to something just to be looked at by something else. That and being petite and small-busted is correlated to having a short clitoris-vagina distance.

So people who shame me for my body type, which I have no control over, can suck on it.