Many words but I see some missing logics in here... :-P

Itīs not for my own sake. Itīs for all those interested in the 16-type-personality concept. It would be ok if you added text in that gallery telling that the types only are subjectively organized and that you welcome comments etc.

Speculations are speculations as long as they are subjective. I enjoy
more definite conclusions. Only those can lead further. For me, that should be the purpose. Maybe others think itīs funny enough to look at images but again in a serious work it should be consistent with a follow up
in order to hopefully make summaries that may stand by the whole thing.

It isnīt enough if these persons are your aquaintances no matter how nice they may be, unless you donīt know them in order to know their types as well.
Only people with whom you have discussed the issue and who preferably have made some quite reliable test may be .... reliable references for evaluation.