Quote Originally Posted by Snaps View Post
Sensors in general. There's not as much practical use for it. Look at the types that fill these boards: LII, ILE, IEI, ILI, IEE, EII. I mean what're the most common sensing types here, SLI/LSI???

Practically speaking, Myers-Briggs is used commercially and corporately to identify broad personality types. The four temperaments are great for business. Dating sites use their own brand of personality metrics, and people tend to be in-born with a subconscious understanding of who they're compatible with or not. Plenty of people-skills books if you want to improve your relationships with others, so what else can socionics really be USED for? Group dynamics, dating knowledge, relationship compatibility, people-skills, what? Socionics doesn't really have a niche benefit.

Of course it's more detailed in terms of the subtleties of compatibility. But I find myself constantly weighing how important it is to know the subtle details, versus the time it took to study socionics and the brain space/ brain cells it occupies. Detail is awesome, and I still find socionics worth the time-investment, but it seems like intuitives or more likely to study this detailed theory without even weighing the practical uses.

Socionics could be used just as widely and less copy right restricted to do what corporate Myers-Briggs people do, with optional higher levels of intertypes for those that can use it.
Socionics doesn't have a niche benefit? What? What are you doing on this site then? False equivalency.... Most of the tools you describe are the worst dumbed down tools you can buy. From a socionicsts standpoint they are inneffective if not downright deceitful. All it would take is someone with money, for example an ex-ceo or VP or that MB company to kickstart a new venture. People think the same thing about any idea that needs to be developed, all it really takes in this instance is some capital and a buisness plan. And if you have enough capital the buisness plan will follow, you just poach people from these other institutions. Your results would be the real game changer.