View Poll Results: What's her Socionics Type?

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  • ILE (ENTp)

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  • SEI (ISFp)

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  • ESFj (ESE)

    1 33.33%
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    0 0%
  • EIE (ENFj)

    0 0%
  • LSI (ISTj)

    0 0%
  • SLE (ESTp)

    0 0%
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    0 0%
  • SEE (ESFp)

    2 66.67%
  • ILI (INTp)

    0 0%
  • LIE (ENTj)

    0 0%
  • ESI (ISFj)

    0 0%
  • LSE (ESTj)

    0 0%
  • EII (INFj)

    0 0%
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Thread: What's Her Sociotype?

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    Default What's Her Sociotype?


  2. #2
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Thanks. That was fast. SEE is definitely one I've considered, and it's plausible; although there may be other possibilities.

  4. #4
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    This time I agree with Martisa SEE would be my choice

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    SEE makes a lot of sense. She's right in a lot of ways. The person depicted in the pictures wrote most if not all of this years ago.

    Here are somethings she wrote:

    'There is always a way out.
    It is just our mind (fascinated by the thrill of the fall) fails to commit itself to searching for it.
    Oh, the intoxicating sweetness of yielding to fear, of plunging headfirst into the black waters of passivity.
    Becoming once again the helpless infant, soft and wordless...
    But there is always a way out.
    Epistemology's abc teaches us that the error is not in the situation (there is no such thing as an impossible problem) but in the method.
    No one can be an island.
    We are all bridges and the voyager travelling on them at the same time. Our task (the voyager being the consciousness) is to build the awareness of being.
    As Vladimir Nabokov said : "being aware of being aware of being".
    What do we bridge? where do we come from and why have we come into being? what is our task? what is the bridge made of?
    it is just at this moment you cannot see whether you are an island or a bridge, your position lacks perspective, you do not see the whole picture.

    why [agape] [X]? [X] is the family to whom your destiny had been assigned arbitrarily, [agape] is your grandfather,the man who mattered the most in your life.
    he was very much like you, so I suppose your name reflected this even before anyone knew it. an illuminated tower on an estate covered in darkness. a lighthouse, isolated on a shore yet important. maybe your destiny is to spread the light and become a guide. tower, lighthouse, bridge, [agape] no matter what you name it, you bear the seed of the light within and you must learn to make it penetrate the darkness. you can choose another name for yourself.

    I have always wanted to be named Allegra. ******** sounds like a traditional old fashioned orthodox woman, though I do not dislike it, it is my only piece of jewelry from my father.
    But Allegra is the name I carry within. It summons an image of laughter, sunshine, joy, energy. This is who I am.
    I am not fainthearted.
    Nor am I blind.
    I am the warrior, the only warrior the family of my mother and father ever produced.

    There is so much light around you,so much energy, so much to do.
    There are so many words waiting to be woven into the fabric of life.
    If only you could find the strength.

    My labyrinth is taking care of others: my ex-husband, my mother, my children. Being a caterer of others' needs.
    What is yours?
    The only certain positive thing I ever did for you is to influence [your Mother] to stop giving you psychiatric drugs.
    I wish I could do more. But you choose to be a closed system and assume you know everything about me, when you really do not know anything.
    After all as I said the problem is not in the situation but in the method.

    You are a man now.
    I cannot see you as a helpless child.
    It is what you choose that matters. You are responsible for it.

    Open your eyes. Feel the pain intensely until you know it intimately and discover its source.
    Pain is part of life and part of what we are when our world and the principle of life collide.'

    - "maybe it's not rage, but sadness. the denial of grief.
    sadness is about many things woven together in a recurring pattern - things from outside and inside, past and present and the way we picture the future or are afraid to picture. but most of all sadness is a part of being alive, same as joy."

    "You cannot forgive those who have never apologized for the shit they heaped upon you all along, who have never repented. Forgiveness not asked for is just another instance of hypocrisy and grandiose fake goodness/enlightenment. At least this is how I see things."

    - 'Dear [agape]
    I think it really is tasteless to mention to me these intimate aspects of your sex life. These things are supposed to be intimate and not talked about so freely. I find it quite strange you send to me a link to an almost pornographic site. It is crude and it lacks the elegance human relationships should have. These are intimate aspects you should only browse with your boyfriend.
    I and my son have never talked in such details about sexual things. I believe there are parts in our lives which are supposed to remain more mysterious, so to say.
    So please do not embarass me further. It is not important whether one is gay or hetero, it is just crude discussions about sexual techniques with explicit pictures are not ok with me. I am simply not keen in discussing this kind of things with you or my son or my daughters or my friends. Hope you don't mind my observation.
    Just do your thing with the man you choose and do not display it publicly. Nobody is interested in the hot details of your relations.

    I believe it is also polite to write to me in the first person, not just send quotations and music. I would appreciate that.
    It would be nice if you took responsibility for who and what you are, not just try to justify or idealize. "f****t", "homophobic", etc are such harsh words and besides labels are an offence to human intelligence. I am convinced you can do better than that.

    I wonder what's wrong with you and also my children who expect so much from their mothers while you guys do so little in terms of personal achievement.
    Is it lack of responsibility? Sometimes I wonder. My own children suck me dry of energy and material resources, I have to work like a slave to keep up with their expectations. I am so tired sometimes.

    As I grow older I see that life is a caleidoscopic collection of fragments and we try so hard to find coherence in linking them together. The coherence is imagined, it does not really exist. If I look back I can even fabricate a memory that would change the whole imagined meaning I assigned to my past. There is no deeper meaning to life, just fragments larger or smaller, a growing fragmentation and entropy. Life seems so absurd sometimes. There is no such thing as cause and effect or chain of events. There is no domino principle. No butterfly effect.

    I really wish that you and my son and also [my eldest daughter] got jobs and started working and get a taste of how things work in this world.
    It would really be a miracle if you stopped whining and self-indulging and finding excuses for "not functioning" or living on your mother's back.
    I don't know why you hate her so much.
    I am quite sad and bitter tonight. I just hope every day that things will take a positive turn both for me and [your Mother],and of course for our children.

    Good night [agape], try to be a better person


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    If she's an Extravert (which is likely), she's probably an Introverted subtype. If SEE, maybe Fi-ESFp (Normalizing subtype). Other things she's said:

    (To: [agape]
    Sent: Wed, February 3, 2010 2:42:59 AM
    Subject: running away)

    'There are several points in your letter I want to discuss:

    1. The apathy in your life. What is known in religion as acedia, or sloth. This is evil, counterproductive, it makes you a passive receptacle of whatever random turns of fate blow your way. Whatever bad things happen to us are not tragedies unless we receive them passively, the way you did. If we strain our spirit, tense our inner opposition, we are no longer victims of the arbitrary and the bad things in our lives become lessons. The negative events in your life overwhelm you emotionally and mentally because you do not oppose them actively, turn them into a learning material, into steps for the staircase of growth. Other people suffered worse things. Think of [my eldest daughter]. She had this two years of blackness, she was surrounded by confused and lost people, she took drugs, she wasted her life and debased her spirit. Then disaster hit her, she woke up broken physically. This would have crushed anyone, forever. But she fought back. She hasn't tried to cancel the past, the way you wish to, she let it into her new life distilled as a lesson, a very bitter and cruel one. She wakes up every day and actively seeks repair. Bodily, mentally, emotionally. She cries desperately sometimes for what she has lost forever: the possibility to be a dancer. Nobody has a perfect life, [agape]. Nobody grows up surrounded by enlightened people, balanced and spiritually evolved parents, friends, relatives, wholesome families, an ocean of truth and genuine relations. And it is irrelevant to a certain extent. It is how we receive the experience, whether we just let it flood us passively or we "take arms" against it and fight to keep afloat. But you have to stop blaming others, the circumstances, the adversity of destiny, etc. Don't think magically. Think critically, you have a full potential for that, unlike ****. Think: this has been my life until now. let's put things in order, analyze it, learn from it. but it's all up to me now.

    Be active. Stop wasting hours in front of a computer, searching for a soulmate in a virtual world where you can find only ghosts of real people. Study, learn, because this is who you are. You are not genetically predisposed to be a worker at *******, you are "programmed" to be an intellectual, this is how your mind and your personality function, and if you do not follow this path then you are going against the current and the divine order of things, you are creating chaos in yourself and the world around you.

    So practically my advice is: learning intensely to finish high school. Find a University and study systematically. And write, you have this gift and deep inside you know it. Give your pain to words, it will stick to them and you will be relieved of its pressure. Be true to yourself and who you are. You cannot run away from it. And if you do you pay a very high price, your present suffering is an occasional toll.

    2. Who the hell makes decisions based on what a "psychic" says????????? I don't want to be rude, [agape], but someone who decides to leave or stay with a boyfriend based on some "predictions" (read: randomly invented generally applicable delirious ramblings) is a complete idiot. You see, lower class Americans are so ruled by magical thinking structured as advertised in cheap magazines and mass-media. For lack of a critical mind and logical thinking they try to find mystical patterns to guide them into the void of idiocy. They don't have other tools for decision making because they were not taught how to deal logically. Or maybe they can't.

    And you, an intelligent and educated young man, how can you define yourself in terms of that mumbo-jumbo issued by some illiterate crook who calls himself/herself a psychic and thrown into your face by a confused and reluctant lover?

    It's as unbelievable as your joining the Jehovah's Witnesses was. Why are you and [your Mother] so vulnerable to such cheap crooks???? Is it again the apathy? The reluctance to resist?

    3. Running away. This is the worst thing to do at the moment. Because right now you want life to give you and you to receive (completely passively) a good and balanced life. And this is not how it works, buddy. Everybody has to work for it. I worked for it and I am working for it every day. So does [your Mother], so does [my youngest daughter], so does [my eldest daughter], now, after the accident and she used to do it before her lapse into a two years blackness. Running away is procrastinating. delaying adulthood and taking responsibility of your own life. You see, it doesn't work anymore, staying home in front of the computer and venting your anger against [your Mother] and inanimate things you break, or joining some white trash youngsters. There are many people you may hate at this moment but it's up to you to break with them completely. It didn't work out with **** because he was much below your intellectual level. It will work out next time with someone who is educated and smart and diligent.

    4. Pain. We all live with some measure of pain. But don't give yourself time to concentrate on it, amplify it with your undivided attention. [My eldest daughter] suffers incredible pain every day but she goes to the gym, to the swimming pool and studies. And in doing all that she concentrates less on the pain.

    All of the above may not be pleasant to you and I apologize if I am hurting you by saying what I believe. But I suppose this is why you wrote to me, to hear the truth and because you are fed up dissembling and fabricating a paper facade of normality.

    it is all up to you, [agape]. it is a terrifying thought, I know.'

    - "I believe one should focus on the things that come easier to him/her rather than embarking on those voyages for which he is less prepared or talented. I was not very good at romantic love either, yet I had a very fulfilling and interesting life. I am still trying to figure out what I want in a relationship and whether I want it at all :-)One cannot excel in everything

    When you meet the right person for you you will need no interpersonal skills. It is not the people who are friendly and have good social skills that have better love lives :-) I have very good interpersonal skills yet never had a happy love story :-))It is a matter of chance. quite arbitrary I believe.

    Yes, you should only relate to people with who you can communicate or whom you find nice. for the rest... it is not under our control; sometimes we may like people who do not reciprocate our sympathy or vice versa--this is life"

    - '. . . . England has always been a rich country. Whereas ******* is a poor country ripped off by political thugs. It has become very bad to live in *******--quite dangerous. I wanted a few times to go and see whether your [biological] "father" is still alive. But I could not do it. I am too angry with him. I did not think he deserved this tiny bit of attention from me.

    He did not deserve such a wonderful story in his life – [your Mother] who was so smart and beautiful and then you, such an incredible and gifted boy! But love does not come because one deserves it: it is a gift bestowed often on the undeserving. Same with [my former husband] and his children. It does not matter now. The harm was done and we survived it . . .'

    - "I am not much into classifications."

  7. #7
    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by agape View Post
    If she's an Extravert (which is likely), she's probably an Introverted subtype. If SEE, maybe Fi-ESFp (Normalizing subtype). Other things she's said:

    (To: [agape/lazybones]
    Sent: Wed, February 3, 2010 2:42:59 AM
    Subject: running away)

    'There are several points in your letter I want to discuss:

    1. The apathy in your life. What is known in religion as acedia, or sloth. This is evil, counterproductive, it makes you a passive receptacle of whatever random turns of fate blow your way. Whatever bad things happen to us are not tragedies unless we receive them passively, the way you did. If we strain our spirit, tense our inner opposition, we are no longer victims of the arbitrary and the bad things in our lives become lessons. The negative events in your life overwhelm you emotionally and mentally because you do not oppose them actively, turn them into a learning material, into steps for the staircase of growth. Other people suffered worse things. Think of [my eldest daughter]. She had this two years of blackness, she was surrounded by confused and lost people, she took drugs, she wasted her life and debased her spirit. Then disaster hit her, she woke up broken physically. This would have crushed anyone, forever. But she fought back. She hasn't tried to cancel the past, the way you wish to, she let it into her new life distilled as a lesson, a very bitter and cruel one. She wakes up every day and actively seeks repair. Bodily, mentally, emotionally. She cries desperately sometimes for what she has lost forever: the possibility to be a dancer. Nobody has a perfect life, Yury. Nobody grows up surrounded by enlightened people, balanced and spiritually evolved parents, friends, relatives, wholesome families, an ocean of truth and genuine relations. And it is irrelevant to a certain extent. It is how we receive the experience, whether we just let it flood us passively or we "take arms" against it and fight to keep afloat. But you have to stop blaming others, the circumstances, the adversity of destiny, etc. Don't think magically. Think critically, you have a full potential for that, unlike Davy. Think: this has been my life until now. let's put things in order, analyze it, learn from it. but it's all up to me now.

    Be active. Stop wasting hours in front of a computer, searching for a soulmate in a virtual world where you can find only ghosts of real people. Study, learn, because this is who you are. You are not genetically predisposed to be a worker at Fairway, you are "programmed" to be an intellectual, this is how your mind and your personality function, and if you do not follow this path then you are going against the current and the divine order of things, you are creating chaos in yourself and the world around you.

    So practically my advice is: learning intensely to finish high school. Find a University and study systematically. And write, you have this gift and deep inside you know it. Give your pain to words, it will stick to them and you will be relieved of its pressure. Be true to yourself and who you are. You cannot run away from it. And if you do you pay a very high price, your present suffering is an occasional toll.

    2. Who the hell makes decisions based on what a "psychic" says????????? I don't want to be rude, Yury, but someone who decides to leave or stay with a boyfriend based on some "predictions" (read: randomly invented generally applicable delirious ramblings) is a complete idiot. You see, lower class Americans are so ruled by magical thinking structured as advertised in cheap magazines and mass-media. For lack of a critical mind and logical thinking they try to find mystical patterns to guide them into the void of idiocy. They don't have other tools for decision making because they were not taught how to deal logically. Or maybe they can't.

    And you, an intelligent and educated young man, how can you define yourself in terms of that mumbo-jumbo issued by some illiterate crook who calls himself/herself a psychic and thrown into your face by a confused and reluctant lover?

    It's as unbelievable as your joining the Jehovah's Witnesses was. Why are you and [your Mother] so vulnerable to such cheap crooks???? Is it again the apathy? The reluctance to resist?

    3. Running away. This is the worst thing to do at the moment. Because right now you want life to give you and you to receive (completely passively) a good and balanced life. And this is not how it works, buddy. Everybody has to work for it. I worked for it and I am working for it every day. So does [your Mother], so does [my youngest daughter], so does [my eldest daughter], now, after the accident and she used to do it before her lapse into a two years blackness. Running away is procrastinating. delaying adulthood and taking responsibility of your own life. You see, it doesn't work anymore, staying home in front of the computer and venting your anger against [your Mother] and inanimate things you break, or joining some white trash youngsters. There are many people you may hate at this moment but it's up to you to break with them completely. It didn't work out with Davy because he was much below your intellectual level. It will work out next time with someone who is educated and smart and diligent.

    4. Pain. We all live with some measure of pain. But don't give yourself time to concentrate on it, amplify it with your undivided attention. [My eldest daughter] suffers incredible pain every day but she goes to the gym, to the swimming pool and studies. And in doing all that she concentrates less on the pain.

    All of the above may not be pleasant to you and I apologize if I am hurting you by saying what I believe. But I suppose this is why you wrote to me, to hear the truth and because you are fed up dissembling and fabricating a paper facade of normality.

    it is all up to you, Yury. it is a terrifying thought, I know.'

    - "I believe one should focus on the things that come easier to him/her rather than embarking on those voyages for which he is less prepared or talented. I was not very good at romantic love either, yet I had a very fulfilling and interesting life. I am still trying to figure out what I want in a relationship and whether I want it at all :-)One cannot excel in everything

    When you meet the right person for you you will need no interpersonal skills. It is not the people who are friendly and have good social skills that have better love lives :-) I have very good interpersonal skills yet never had a happy love story :-))It is a matter of chance. quite arbitrary I believe.

    Yes, you should only relate to people with who you can communicate or whom you find nice. for the rest... it is not under our control; sometimes we may like people who do not reciprocate our sympathy or vice versa--this is life"

    - '. . . . England has always been a rich country. Whereas Romania is a poor country ripped off by political thugs. It has become very bad to live in Romania--quite dangerous. I wanted a few times to go and see whether your [biological] "father" is still alive. But I could not do it. I am too angry with him. I did not think he deserved this tiny bit of attention from me.

    He did not deserve such a wonderful story in his life – [your Mother] who was so smart and beautiful and then you, such an incredible and gifted boy! But love does not come because one deserves it: it is a gift bestowed often on the undeserving. Same with [my former husband] and his children. It does not matter now. The harm was done and we survived it . . .'

    - So you must rearrange the characters, the plot as if it were not about you and Davy and when you step out of the emotional circle you will begin to get a better feeling of the whole choreography

    I believe it is very 'healthy: from a literary point of view to distance yourself as a writer from your own emotional entanglements. You may start from a certain character who does not look like you, for instance let's say he is a psychologist (an area that you know lots about) or a psychotherapist, and try to imagine his life, probably a failing love affair, his professional frustrations, maybe some difficult patients (2 or 3) and you will see that as you enter this character's life ideas will come and he will come to life

    For instance, you may choose a character like yourself, who was feeling "different" from the very beginning of his life and how he was pushed by force into uniformity and convention

    and how he felt torn and confused and maybe fought back and became this psychologist who does not really believe in the utopian dogma; and you can use flash backs to describe his becoming what he is when the story begins

    - "I am not much into classifications."

    an SEE- subtype Marissta

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    "I do not get easily excited, I am very laid back and have a robust personality. Nor do I deflate easily. For me it takes time to build enthusiasm in either direction."

    Static? and Irrational? (Ep)

    "Epistemology's abc's teaches us that the error is not in the situation (there is no such thing as an impossible problem) but in the method."

    Evolutionary (Process)?

    "As I grow older I see that life is a kaleidoscopic collection of fragments and we try so hard to find coherence in linking them together. The coherence is imagined, it does not really exist."


    "There is no such thing as cause and effect or chains of events. There is no domino principle. No butterfly effect."

    Not of Vortical-Synergetic cognition. Probably not Involutionary (Result) either.

    Out of the several types up for consideration [SEE, EIE, ILE, IEE (I also considered this one in the past)], SEE-Fi seems the most likely at the moment, anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by agape View Post
    I think it really is tasteless to mention to me these intimate aspects of your sex life. These things are supposed to be intimate and not talked about so freely. I find it quite strange you send to me a link to an almost pornographic site. It is crude and it lacks the elegance human relationships should have. These are intimate aspects you should only browse with your boyfriend.
    Agree with that wholeheartedly but I'm curious, agape, did you send her a link to

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    Quote Originally Posted by agape View Post
    Yes, I was thinking ESFp-INFj.

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    Yes, I was actually considering ESFp-INFj before I read that post.

    Here's something she once wrote in the past that I forgot to add (before):

    "I am in ********* right now and the weather was very hot and unpleasant. I really miss ******* weather.
    It was nice at least to see [my son] for two days. Even though our relationship is not so genuine any more, or warm, or sincere...
    [My son] is a person with great social skills but with little seriousness and depth in his relationships. He is very slippery and I do not feel I can trust him.
    I do not believe social skills serve any goal in one's friendships or family where genuine feeling, attention and truthful reactions are necessary."

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    ESI's what came to mind first.. she looks "SF" anyhow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by agape View Post
    Yes, I was actually considering ESFp-INFj before I read that post.

    Here's something she once wrote in the past that I forgot to add (before):

    "I am in Bucharest right now and the weather was very hot and unpleasant. I really miss English weather.
    It was nice at least to see [my son] for two days. Even though our relationship is not so genuine any more, or warm, or sincere...
    [My son] is a person with great social skills but with little seriousness and depth in his relationships. He is very slippery and I do not feel I can trust him.
    I do not believe social skills serve any goal in one's friendships or family where genuine feeling, attention and truthful reactions are necessary."
    Ok, that sounds like SEE way of being insecure in relationships and constantly criticizing those and themselves in it.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    So it's official then. I have her down as a ESFp-INFj-ENFp, for now at least.

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    Quote Originally Posted by agape View Post
    So it's official then. I have her down as a ESFp-INFj-ENFp, for now at least.
    You're wrong, I have her down as EII-SLE-Fi-9w2w3-Si-LIE-FC St. Pauli-IEI-7w0-LSE not even looking at pics and how come you're nothing but Ti valuing?

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