Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
Okay, I've just downloaded some really nice face composite software, with even greater capabilities than the website, and am getting started with some test composites. Keep it going!
good idea I've been noticing some similarities in the impressions of so/sp, they have this certain ethereal dryness analogous to drought formed cracked mud wrapped into arid atmosphere, it's easy to breathe around them but there is something slightly reptilian to their looks, like this -


so i think there is something to this instinct vi thing ... ok,stackings that I'm relatively certain of:

so/sp - Putin, Hilary Clinton, Charles Dance, Dr. Phil, Adolf ******, Mikhail Prohorov, Morrissey, Newt Gingrich, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck
so/sx - Brandon Boyd, Paul Thomas Anderson
sp/so - Bill Leeb
sx/so - Nicki Minaj, Nietzche, Hunter S Thompson, M.I.A., Leo Tolstoy
sx/sp - Jung, Freud, Wittgenstein, Jack White, lovecraft, grigori rasputin, gotye
sp/sx - Eva Braun, Clive Barker, Kevin Hart

ones I'm not that sure of:

Obama, Jimmy Wales - both so-primary, can't quite tell the second instinct
John McCain, Ron Paul, Al Gore - possible sp/so's
the pres. of iran however his name is spelled looks so/sp-ish to me

@Radio I've typed Louis Ck are sp/sx rather than sx/sp, he's very exhibitionist with the sx area making it likely be his secondary (creative) instinct ... and Russell Peters as so/sx rather than so/sp, he has that social nexus thing going of so/sx, uniting all the races, etc.

Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
So is it like, sx/sp = intense recluse, sx/so = intense but not so reclusive? This is so much easier than socionics!
socionics is so last month - instincts are the new summer fad!