I'm looking to make some new friends and socionics seems useful for that. What I'm wondering is if sticking to your quadra is really the most optimal way to go...

I can respect and appreciate my fellow LIIs from a distance, but often we have really conflicting views on life in general and we're not very likely to influence each other very easily. It doesn't make just hanging out seem like it would be very easy. In certain cases they can play the role of mentor to me, as I've discovered in an Identity friendship I had, but that's not something I'm constantly in need of.

On the other hand, while I don't know that many ILEs, hkkmr seems like a really easy going guy who loves food as much as I do and who wouldn't expect me to be very socially graceful. I feel like we could disagree on philosophical and political issues and still be good friends. Is it likely that mirror could be this way? A bonus in this situation is that "acting natural" would be easy and that would make connecting with Alpha SFs a whole lot easier....

Activity seems like another easy relationship. Similar interests and I wouldn't be too far out of my depth socially because SEIs are introverted too.

Duality: I'm most uncertain about this. Is it good for anything other than a romantic involvement? ESEs just seem so very different. They are like that one person you find in a foreign land who speaks your language, they can be a great help but they're still from a very alien world. That's my impression anyway.

How do you relate to your quadra mates?