Quote Originally Posted by WaceysShoulder View Post
House keeping first: I do not yet know how to "quote" others posts. I would greatly appreciate some advice in this area, perhaps by a private message? So, I will just free write and hope the replies make it to the appropraite "poster" for now. I will write in sequential order addressing the oldest to newest posts in that order to keep things fluid.

I can understand the need to discover who one is talking too - if this means asking provacative questions, I'm all for it. But, unless one has a diagnoses of terrets syndrome (sp), freaking out at a complete stranger is inapporapraite IRL, and this passes on to the internet. Having said that, I have in the past always been interested in what Absurd has written on the forum, and look forward to reading more. So no worries.
Calling someone rude does not mean I did not understand what he was "getting at". I knew he was poking. Sometimes in life, if I have nothing nice to say, then I say nothing at all. Besides, people who say what is really on there mind is a huge relief for me. "At least someone said it"....... Do you guys can understand what I am trying to say? Enough of that topic now.

Duality may in a limited way present itself over the internet. The real magic is in person. That is why I say I would hesitat to call anyone my dual whom I have met over the internet.
I have met one "romantic dual", whose memory still follows me to this day. And many non romanitc duals, although at the time I had neither the knowledge of socionics nor, duality, to put the experinces into some kind of framework. Maybe that was a good thing.

I will post more here. I need to cut the time short because of a commitment. And BTW, I feel like I have stepped into a group of people that all shares personal jokes I know nothing about.

And I have posted my picture in the Unofficial members thread. There might be some confusion, I have a penis....I am a man. So there still remains one female EII on here. Maybe several more.
How many gay people have you met?