Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves
And I agree Joy, Sarah Michelle Gellar isn't the most...friendliest of people, but she's really good at what she does, she comes across as a uber-bitch I agree (and sometimes her characters aren't that much better) but she's a great actress. I have to give her props.
I have no problems with people who aren't friendly, and I don't really even have any problem with bitchiness in and of itself. The way it manifests can be a problem though. I don't know why I can't stand her. I think it may have something to do with the character because she was more tolerable in Scoooby Do, though if I knew that character irl I'd still have no respect for her. I actually liked her in the role of the sister in Cruel Intentions. It was like the part was written for her. I couldn't have picked a more perfect actress for it.

Buffy is NOT ESFp, btw. I'd say she's most likely INFp.