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Thread: What physical features do you find attractive?

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  1. #11
    Haikus Theoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Your avatar consists of what appears to me to be a stylized Greek letter (I’m not Ti enough to figure out which one, if any) which interposes, like a guarding barrier fence, between you (the viewer) and a bunch of shadowy, anonymous people milling about on the other side of the protection of the Gate of Science and Reason. If that is not the world-view of every LII that I’ve ever known, then I don’t know what is.
    This is actually pretty interesting, because, that's not even close to my interpretation of it, apart from the identification of the Greek letter reference. Now, tell me -- does your interpretation not say more about you, than me?

    Focusing on the minute details of exactly what was said and not said, implied and not implied, evidence and not-evidence, is a complete exposition of dominant Ti. Faced with the same situation, the ILI CapitalistPig would have summarized his views with a simple and very Te response of “Fuck off”. Your response was completely different.
    It is only fitting that I respond with a succinct meme sentence, then: "Theoria is my praxis."*

    ( typological terms: Te could be mistaken for Ti when a person is so dominantly characterized by E5, unlike someone like CPig where that might not be an issue)

    Also -- do you think End is LII too? If not, how is his language more Te than mine?

    as Beebe predicted
    Who's Beebe?

    Just because we Extinguish each other’s ventures does not mean we can’t appreciate the other’s viewpoints.

    You mean my associating a Panda with caregiving and comfort and Pris with Aggressive sexuality?
    Well, you didn't say Pris -- in which case I find that equation ridiculous anyway -- there's an immense disparity of sexual intensity between the scenes that feature Pris and those that don't. I enjoyed the scenes with Pris more than almost every other scene, but they don't take up much of the movie, do they?

    but I could watch Pris’ thigh gap for hours
    That just sounds like, again, more of a "fixation" issue, than a functional, information-metabolical difference. In other words, E5 vs not-E5: “An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.”

    Just ask yourself if you’d rather have a nice, respectable woman bring you a warm cup of tea and a blanket while she protects you from the hustle and bustle of the outside world, maybe open her blouse for you while tucking you in at night and asking if she can do anything else for you, or would you rather have a sexually aggressive woman show up at your door, barge in, dominate you, ravage both you and your house, then leave?
    Again -- sorry. Still as difficult to ascertain as before . They sound appealing and bothersome in their own ways.

    *"Theory is my praxis" is a meme sentence culminated by a Facebook meme page:

    I adapted it to "Theoria is my praxis", of course, for additional relevance, and to separate it further from its original context of revolutionary inaction.
    Last edited by Theoria; 02-19-2017 at 03:40 AM.

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