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Thread: What physical features do you find attractive?

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  1. #11
    Olimpia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaviTilki View Post
    @Singularity Might be because of all these stereotypes about ****** (I believe he really might have been INFp after all) and Nazi Germany (trust me so many people still think it's the same as more than 70 years ago.. like the ignorance is strong with people xD).
    Yes many people here are 'caregivers' actually. Heavy focus on Si and stability here. Even though Germany is very Delta-value heavy (lawful citizens and lots of bureaucracy), the stereotype of the 'basic/typical' girl is the ESFj girl (not trying to bash, but I noticed many girls here are this type, and most girly activities are associated with what ESFjs kind of embody). I feel that the MBTI contribution of types is much more accurate than the socionics ones I saw. Deltas and Alphas kind of make up most of society, followed by the Gamma and Beta aggressors and I really believe the victim types are the rarest. Even the infantiles I met are very low-key 'crazy', like everything is still very grounded when it comes to craziness. They still love and seek stability (I do not find most Ne types that weird or peculiar at all, I thik they actually value normality as much as the caregivers, but they are very open-minded to ideas and weird phenomenas, I do not want to generalise too much though). I believe that most societies are into stability after all, it's very much necessary to keep everything together as a community.
    I've made the same observations.

    Ironically, I am also from Germany and my parents are ESTj and ESFj (both Si subtype).
    They are pretty much embodying the stereotypes.

    Most people seem to be Caretakers and Childlike here, apart from (male) LSIs who are fairly common too, followed by ESIs.
    Both SEEs and SLEs aren't common, and Victims are rare.
    Last edited by Olimpia; 02-16-2017 at 03:30 PM.
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