Hey. This thread needs no introduction.

Two nights ago, I had a chain of mental clicks. You ever have that? Like... 'Oh, this person must be this type! ... which makes sense, because this person must be that type! That explains their interaction perfectly!!! ... etc.'

Well I realized I'm ESE. Of course that's something many of you have been saying for years now, and I've said before that I thought the LII's were boring. I've looked at some celebrity-typed LII's, and thought they were dull.

Well I think some of them may be mistyped. I think LII is one of those 'ideal' types, the analytical, smart, insightful, Alpha quadra, fun-loving, etc. Trouble is, perhaps people look at the 'analytical' side more, and tend to put maybe some calmer, Fi-valuing types as LII, misinterpreting them as being analytical Ti, when that is not the case.

I had been watching more of the late-night talkshow host, Craig Ferguson, whom I see many type as ILE. I don't normally watch him, thinking he's a bit too goofy and random, but the more I watch, the more I seem to enjoy the silliness. I'm having trouble finding the thread, but people say his 20+ shows and wonderful interaction with Kristen Bell, ESE, can easily be explained, Alpha Extroverted Activity partners, and it's fun to watch them together. His show with Paris Hilton, whom many type as ESI, is a bit more painful to watch, as people have commented that the conversation never gets off the ground really.

I said before I love Emma Watson. Before I had gone along with a common 'SLE' typing of her, but I'll copy what I said in her type thread: "INTj! She seems to analyze things and explain differences in interviews, pretty clearly Ti ego, and she is very polite and non-intruding. I don't see Se-ego at all, can't see ESTp at all, and I believe strongly she's a mild-mannered, analytical, a bit goofy but yet cute, INTj."

It originally sparked my mind when I saw a Russian socionics site which claimed she was INTj, confirming that there are others which believe she is LII as well. http://socion2.narod.ru/celsoclist2_en.htm http://socion2.narod.ru/celphlist-04_en.htm

And that sparked a chain of other connections with friends/family personally. I know a dual couple IRL, ESE/LII, and realized I'm like the ESE guy there, I think my one sister is ILE and the other may be ESI, which explains why they don't necessarily get along the best lol, realized a couple ex-girlfriends I think are LII and ILE, and a bunch of other types of people I know.

Last celebrity I thought of, I think Miley Cyrus is ILE. Her self-confident, random, story-telling nature reminds me a lot of Craig Ferguson's ILE-ness, and while it's easy to suspect an outgoing celebrity like that to be ExFx, outgoing and ethical, I strongly believe Miley is a female ENTp. And aside from being fellow teenage Disney stars, she also seems to get along extremely well with Selena Gomez, whom I think is an obvious SEI/ISFp, or my mirror partner.

Anyway, I know this wasn't very convincingly written, or organized that well. I just wanted to type this up quickly and get it on here, as I am busy rushing around trying to get some business things done, some people to talk with. What do you guys think? I'm willing to finally accept ESE again, if you guys can accept that ILE/LII's aren't boring analyticals, but rather members of the MOST FUN QUADRA EVER, Alpha . Do you agree with some of my celebrity Alpha NT typings? Craig Ferguson, Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus, etc.? Other Alpha SF's, Kristen Bell, Selena Gomez?