Quote Originally Posted by implied
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
So the point is the original post gives the impression it is hard to entertain ESFps and make them happy and it is pretty much impossible to do that without a big crowd. In my experience they get excited about very simple things that will usually keep them happy for quite a while. Take some photos of an entertaining situation and show them to the ESFp later and you can recreate the happy mood without any effort really This goes mostly for female ESFps and children since I don't have too much experience of adult male ESFps.
no, but this is like, my tactic with everyone i date when things go bad. only SFs seem to respond to this, and i'm convinced they have the biggest memory stores if only because they seem to remember all the important shit. with one ex of mine (who was not ESFp) i would be like, "remember when bla bla bla happened" hoping to raise his mood or whatever even though i don't generally remember things like this. this just frustrated him. some SF guy actually brought up this awful joke the other day that i told him back when we were in highschool ("what has two legs and bleeds? - half a dog.")

i agree that they're generally happy all the gd time.
I do remember everything as well! Girls are usually amazed, I even remember what they say during the first dates .

The jokes, too yes.

I can't re-create any mood from pics though. I can re-create it from recalling a situation allright. Even improve