Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
Looks like the cogs in the internet machine have been spinning rapidly as I slept~

My issue is more that most EP descriptions out there do a really shitty job at conveying the many possible facets of EPhood, so it was kinda hard for me to identify with EP when accusations of ENXp started getting thrown around. In terms of energy fluctuations though, I think I'm very much irrational.

Good to see that these things are mutually exclusive lol

I do agree that WA is more overtly expressive and flighty than me. And to the best of my knowledge, I'm the only IEE 6w5 on here, which probably colors my affect and presentation in ways uncharacteristic for most people's conceptions of IEEs.

You tell me
lol they aren't exclusive, I just couldn't think of as many things to say about her.