I got LSE.

I really was sure about being Tactical > Strategic. I think I do tend to make decisions based on the current state of things and abandon other decisions because they are no longer appropriate to the current state. It's often difficult for me to have an unchanging goal in sight. It's much easier to adjust the goal to something else mid-way I think. (Unless I'm playing chess which I'm not really any good at, but I've noticed it's hard for me to abandon my plan even if some things are happening that I should be paying attention to instead. I just want my plan to be carried out so I can get the "checkmate" feeling.)

And I really did think Yielding > Obstinate. I wish it were more difficult to change my mind. I think I naturally tend towards compromise.

And I thought Emotive > Constructive. I think that I'm actually quite emotionally reactive in my mind at least. I think that the feeling of something can bombard me and that I may start adjusting to it or seeing it over anything else. I think this can occur on a subtle cognitive level.

And then I picked Reasonable > Decisive. I do find it hard to function on the spot without external motivation. I am typically pretty indecisive.

I'm really not LSE though. I could understand SLI, but not LSE.