Well I kind of have a tendency to play mentor with everyone, it's an asshole trait of mine that I wish would go away but is a bit ingrained in me from being the son of a priest. But I can say I understand your frustration because when people do it to me, it pisses the fuck out of me.

I don't really know what more to say, to be honest, except that you seem relatively smart so it can't hurt for you to stick around and contribute, but do the rest of us a favor and try to keep an open mind and do as much reading on the subject as you can if you really want to understand this stuff.

That still came out kind of patronizing which I'm sorry about but I don't really know what else to say.

Also I think there is a chance you are SLI, probably Te subtype' you don't strike me as Ni dominant at all as they are usually very receptive to the idea of perceiving people en gestalt and do not tend to have the kind of hyper-literal approach which you seem to. We also seem to be shooting cross streams that aren't really intersecting.

Please do not take this as an insult or fall under the assumption that Socionics sensors are "simple," "not intelligent," "have trouble with concepts," or are even marginally less capable of abstract thinking, creativity, or having new or original ideas; these are all assumptions fostered by simplistic, black-and-white interpretations of Carl Jung's writings that are simply wrong. There are many highly intelligent sensors who work in academia and professional science who beat the living pants out of their intuitive coworkers when it comes to conceptual understanding, because IQ and abstract intelligence has fuck-all to do with what TYPE of cognition you make use of, and everything to do with HOW WELL you use it (the "smartest man in the world," Christopher Langan, is very likely ISTj, and even if he is not, he is definitely not any intuitive type).

Also please don't think I'm battle-typing you or judging you somehow; I have SLI friends in real life and I get along pretty damn well with a few SLIs here.