I think its innately narcisisstic to think you can dualize yourself. You weren't created narcissistically. You were created because two people banded together and made you. Even if your parents ended up hating each other for their own narcissistic reasons, there was enough of a connection/hit to produce something other than themselves.

Find somebody you jive with on a very deep human level. Or self-destruct in a void. YES. It's healthy and fun to love ourselves. But we need other people. No matter how much "other people annoy you". Duality is a connection, a fit. It's something you can't psychoanalyze or do yourself. Because you can't give yourself touch and connection. It's about a relationship with another. Yes, first and foremost take care of yourself and love yourself and know yourself and talk to yourself. But do not be like an annoying narcissistic drag queen with a billion dollars and no love. CONNECT TO PEOPLE.

sammy. =p