Quadra: Delta
Based on prediction only

Alpha Ne(6) Fe(2) Ti(0) Si(1) 9
Beta Se(1) Fe(2) Ti(0) Ni(4) 7
Gamma Te(2) Ni(4) Se(1) Fi(4) 11
Delta Te(2) Si(1) Ne(6) Fi(4) 13

(Note: bolded functions are the ones you indicated you use, the Quadra with the most
functions is your predicted Quadra. Your actual type may be listed obviously by emphasis
outside of the predicted Quadra.)

Alpha = ENTp, ESFj, ISFp, INTj - Ne, Ti, Fe, Si
Beta = ESTp, ENFj, INFp, ISTj - Se, Ti, Fe, Ni
Gamma = ENTj, ESFp, ISFj, INTp - Te, Ni, Fi, Se
Delta = ESTj, ENFp, INFj, ISTp - Ne, Te, Fi, Ni