I have a friend whose type I've been unsure of for some time. My instinct was to type him as LII, and every time I think about it carefully, I still come back to that. However, he lacks the normal "dryness" of LII--like his melancholy and reserved wit has some kind of "wet" nuance to it (using the language that Naranjo employs to describe the difference between 4's and 5's.) And when I talk to him, it seems that the classic 4 envy is a big part of his psyche, although he does try to rationalize it away. For a while I considered beta NF, although it really just didn't fit. He would be the most charming LII I've ever met, although if I think about it carefully, he never actually uses Fe and is actually quite logical and reserved in conversation. He is gay and astonishingly beautiful though, so maybe throughout his life he's had ample opportunities to build up his charm since people instinctively like him based on his looks.

I would type him as a 4w5 or 5w4 sp/sx, but am actually leaning a bit toward the 4. Has anyone else encountered an LII E4? Are they rare and beautiful birds, or mystical creatures that don't exist except in the heads of SEI 4w3? (haha) Or is it just that 5w4's feel a lot more "instinctive" and "emotional" than 5w6? Would appreciate any feedback.