I actually like Marxism from the standpoint of how Marx broke down and commented on society -- when it comes to developing a solution to that problem his writings were very idealistic and when put into practice resulted in a lot of problems.

Nazism is different, it's not really a formulated solution to society problems based on a philosophical backing. It was a political party in Post WWI Germany when they were suffering a bad economy and political turmoil and became the vehicle for ****** to come into power. A lot of people immediately associate Nazism to what happened with ******, because well that's what ultimately became of the political party and there were no other Nazi parties before or at the time to weigh against this. The negative attributes commonly associated to ****** are militant imperialism, genocide/racism, and influence through propaganda.

I'm definitely not for those things however what annoys me is how people pretend as though Nazism was the first and only time this occurred in the world. Militant imperialism was a way of life for Europians up until WWII and mainly because WWII was so awful and bloody and violent, it has its backbone medevial warfare and Roman's contracting barbarians for wars. Early on in the dark ages Romans would trade barbarians land in exchange for military services and this set the stage for a kind of total war mentality between feudal lords in the early middle ages, that developed as a political system determining who was ruler of what.

Genocide is endemic to tribalism and is still witnessed today in other countries.

Propaganda as well, in America this is very common in two area business and marketing and media and political influence. In some ways I don't hate ****** for his propaganda as he actually believed in his ideology although with say a person marketing kids a cheap toy, the marketers don't really give a shit, they know its a shitty toy but they are just looking to cash in. Many people cite this about dictators, that they really don't care, but they just want to cash in on power -- although I think they do it's just they have delusional believes and a strong ability to intuitively and naturally seize power. I think what actually creates dictators isn't some grand manipulator, but a lack of criticism of one's leaders in a society that allows their delusional believes to remain unchecked. This is definitely true in ******'s case as his delusions about "unfit" members of society where echoed by many and the few voices that spoke against him were easily silenced through the efforts of secret police and propaganda. I think the lesson people should take away isn't "****** IS A BAD MAN", it's to have the courage to criticize and speak out against something you don't agree with even if it grinds against the current of what is popular and accepted.