I've been coming to debate my being a phobic vs counterphobic 6 recently, especially since Siuntal's post regarding Sx primaries and counter-fixation mechanisms. Now that I've come much more into my own and have a better understanding of how I operate naturally I would say I have more "counterphobic" tendencies than I previously gave myself credit for: challenging/lashing out against people I view as threats (you can look my list of targets in the past like Gul, Aleksei, ESC, recently jetson for evidence of that), resentment towards people who succumb to their anxieties (my brother in particular), etc. I would say though that I'm often very aware of the things that make me anxious, and if I don't know what's causing it then I devote almost all my energy to rooting out the source of the problem and correcting it; this tactic could just as easily allay a good portion of the extremes in terms of phobic/counterphobic reactivity patterns (5 wing much?).

Ultimately, the answer I want to come to is that the p/cp dichotomy isn't at all set in stone, and that any 6 given a different situation and level of mental health can exhibit either set of traits. As such, for me to attempt pinning down which side I fall more squarely on from the perspective of myself is a futile effort, since the answer will always depend more on my current mood than any analysis of regular behavior patterns.

This being the case, I pass the torch onto whoever the hell actually reads the things I say and has an opinion on how I operate as a 3rd party observer.


EDIT: for fear of begging the question, you use this space to talk about my enneatype in general if the notion of me as a 6 doesn't sit right with y'all.